Democrat Logic

obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, albright, clinton, special place in hell

Following Hillary Clinton’s discovery in Iowa that she is less popular among young females than a yeast infection, the former first lady is pulling out all the stops in New Hampshire to try to upset what is expected to be a runaway win in the bimbo demographic for doddering socialist Bernie “Sugar Grandaddy” Sanders.

To that end, Hillary asked herself what vivacious, high-powered celebrity superstar could help her reel in those youthful females votes, and she came up with…Madeleine Albright. The 78-year old Secretary of State under (so to speak) Bill Clinton, who helped negotiate an Iran-style deal with the North Koreans which would give them billions of dollars in aid to keep them from everbuilding the kind of nuclear weapons they tested last month, or ever developing an intercontinental ballistic missile of the type they launched Saturday.


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9 years ago

she looks like the daughter of the devil, and she came up out of hades, this ugly demonically possessed entity and her demon influence is written all over her face. she has no fruit what so ever on her tree and the entity is totally devoid of any morals, and values. she came up from the pit and she will be going back down into the pit where she belongs hand in hand with her lesbian lover Hillary.