Democrat Spending Bill Contains ‘Serious Expansion of Federal Gun Control’: Gun Rights Group

Democrats’ $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package, unveiled early Wednesday, includes provisions that constitute “a serious expansion of federal gun control” according to the National Association for Gun Rights.

Specifically, the omnibus bill includes the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).

Though there is bipartisan consensus that violence against women is bad—more limited forms of the bill have passed through bipartisan votes since the first draft was introduced in 1994—more recent forms of the legislation have been controversial with Republicans for provisions relating to gun ownership…

… Under its provisions, the attorney general is required “to issue a notice to State, local, or Tribal law enforcement and prosecutors if an individual has attempted to purchase a firearm and been denied pursuant to the national instant criminal background check system.”

In other words, an attempt to buy a firearm while legally barred from owning one can be met with criminal investigation.

In a statement, the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR) warned that this system is dangerous.

“Over 95 percent of all NICS denials are false positives, which means all local and state police would be required to investigate law-abiding citizens when they’re wrongly and unconstitutionally denied the right to purchase a firearm,” NAGR said.

“Make no mistake—the NICS denial reporting embedded inside the Violence Against Women Act constitutes a serious expansion of federal gun control,” said Dudley Brown, president of the NAGR. “Not only does it rapidly expand federal gun control policy, it would actually endanger women, not keep them safe.”

Read the entire article here…

How difficult would it be to “create” a false-positive denial? Demoncrats and Rebublicrats destroying our God-given rights one layer at a time.

About Hammers Thor
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2 years ago

“ How difficult would it be to “create” a false-positive denial? ”
Don’t know?

But it aint to hard to create a sock puppet now is it.

Can’t be much harder than that.
Ask Laura Loomer. The twitter broad during LV.
She, I do believe has been……Denied.
Allegedly for ZERO legal Reasons.

Tap tap tap click enter.

We will all be DENIED Soon.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

The united democrat / republican party never stops working to take all freedom, liberty, property, weapons, and free speech. Meanwhile the majority of the America ovine people are in a state of denial still holding to the premise that they will be protected by the anti God US Constitution. Let’s see if RINO Texas Senator John Cornyn III will vote for the bill and betray America and Texas yet again. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

It is confirmed Globalist RINO Texas Senator John Cornyn III voted for the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act and all its gun control has been included in the latest government funding bill. This bill deputizes local LEO as BATF agents, as well as, many other terrible gun control laws. Texas Senator John Cornyn III has again demonstrated that he is a open border, gun control Great Reset slimy traitor to America and Texas. My guess he will not run for reelection because he knows his anti liberty, pro gun control control votes are becoming well know in Texas. In fact he is being called “Beto Cornyn.” He probably will take his tax free campaign donations and slitter back into the dark slimy hole that he came from. The people of Tyler, Texas should be disgusted with Senator Cornyn III the betrayer! Who is John Galt? TEXIT!