Democrats are stoking racial violence

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1 year ago

If you live in a rural area this type of riot is unlikely to happen anytime soon. What is more likely is as the businesses leave the city, small groups of the feral animals will start to venture out into more rural areas. Review maps of your area and know where the road choke points are. If you can, work with others in your immediate community to pre plan hasty fighting positions covering those choke points. If and when they show up with bad intentions put the hasty positions to use. If you are concerned with the sound signature from your weapons, consider sub sonic loads and supressors. These animals won’t hesitate to kill you and steal everything you have worked for, don’t let them.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy…and so do his foot soldiers.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Is Kato retired by now?

1 year ago

There is no real solution to the problems in big cities, the corruption and violence will continue! I don’t care, it is simply not my problem. Much of the countries problem is people getting in to other peoples business and not minding their own! If Chicagoans don’t like it, they can stop voting for thieves and idiots or simply move, I did.

The citizens leaving the failed liberal cities or states need to remember to not bring a their failed values with them and turn our areas in to a mirror of their own failed ones. Nor should we tolerate it!

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

The urban criminals are highly mobile now. The do travel to the outlying counties west of Chicago. So far, I’m not aware of them going onto rural roads. But that would be the next step for them. Once they realize that a lot of people aren’t home, or worse, that only mom and a few little kids are home by themselves, expect the worst.

1 year ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

Citizen Joe that mom needs to be just as well trained with a rifle as the next patriot. If the kids are old enough then train them also. Most of these urban animals have no training and will flee when the first one gets shot as evidenced on many an Active Self Protection videos. Cameras and alert dogs would certainly help also. No answer is perfect but I’d take a 60% plan now over a 100% plan to late.

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob

Good advice!
My sister was shot in the head at thirteen and left with a paralyzed leg and a wrecked life the gun was (unloaded). After moving to NW AR and starting a family, guns were a necessity. I was concerned and did lots of research. The result was at a young age to buy my kids a gun and teach them gun safety. The guns were kept up, but they were allowed to play with them any time, but supervised, we had no problems. I later found out nearly all the other kids in our rural area had similar training. The only local gun accidents were adult hunting ones!

Any one with access to a gun needs training, as soon as possible!
Any one with out access to a gun these days needs one, or two, or three!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

They mock America everyday and throw this in our faces, there is no peaceful solution to our dilemma. There is not much left of the old Republic, “He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” Thomas Paine. The truth as I see it is that there is only one solution left to us and that is in the 2nd amendment.

1 year ago

cough…OBAMA and his Handlers.

That was the Initiator.

1 year ago

They certainly are stoking racial hate.

1 year ago

Watching this brings back memories. My favorite being the time the Project mamas and the street hoes bumrushed the grade school by Cabrini Green during their Christmas Party and stole all the toys that were donated by the big companies. They went to the street and sold them all. One of my buddies who had just retired and moved to Alaska saw it in the news This was back in the late 90’s.