Democrats Put Zero Value on Human Life

I received the following information below from the Democrat Party. Do you think people will give Democrats the same consideration as they are currently showing when the government falls?

In case you forgot or did not see the videos where Planned Parenthood is selling butchered babies for profit, here is the link:

Here is one example:

To Amy,

Since when is life a partisan issue? May God have little mercy on what is left of your soul.

David DeGerolamo


Republicans have launched another partisan attack on Planned Parenthood. Add your name to fight back.

Friend —

Earlier this week, House Republicans voted to establish a special committee to “investigate” Planned Parenthood.

Let’s be clear: This committee is nothing more than a partisan witch hunt. We’re calling on the GOP to stop these attacks on women’s health care — and you should join us.

This isn’t the first time Republicans have used one of these congressional committees to drive an extreme right-wing agenda. Just a few days ago, Rep. Kevin McCarthy — who dropped out of the race to be the next Speaker of the House yesterday — went on television and admitted to the world that the last one of these GOP-led investigations (about Benghazi) was created specifically to attack Democrats.

But this is even worse. Because now, Republicans aren’t just attacking Democrats — they’re coming after a health care provider that serves millions of women, men, and children a year, that helps women detect cancer so they have a chance to beat it, and, yes, that provides abortions — an important and, not for nothing, entirely legal medical procedure.

Attacking Planned Parenthood by claiming to be “investigating” is just another way for Republicans to make it more difficult for millions of Americans to get the health care they need.

And we’re not going to stand for it. Add your name to say you won’t either:

Thanks for making your voice heard on this.

All the best,


Amy K. Dacey
Chief Executive Officer
Democratic National Committee

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