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They are making criminals of the people refusing the kill shot, their threats can only be realized with the use of force. Think it cannot happen here, the communist regime that now occupy’s dc will use force to accomplish their goal.
Yes it can happen here. If anyone thinks it can do a 360 with your eyes & mind open to what is happening.
The narrative being fed the general population keeps them spinning in circles while the powers that be continue to divide us. It is a winning strategy. The only way to truly end this is for it to go full retard. The clot shot may do be the trigger, who knows.
Lets get this show started, so one side can live in peace.
And when everyone is jabbed they will once again double down on lockdowns and boosters etc. etc. etc, on and on and on into infinity. As long as a single spark of individuality exists anywhere throughout the world this nonsense will continue. Simply because as long as there is a spark alive and someone somewhere has not succumbed to complete control of their entire being, They will never relent, they will never be happy, there is no satisfying those that cannot be satisfied, they will never cease. Even when there is no more, they will continually demand more. This is the makeup of evil!
The only way to stop a bully is to pound the snot out of them. I learned this in kinder garden. It would seem that we, as a society, have forgotten our basics.
You bet, they know they will lose the fight that is why they keep pounding us 24/7.
The “unvaxxed” may be the only group still functioning by next spring.
We just have to hold out.
We are between 1/3 and 1/2 of the population.