Demonstrators Swarm State Capitol To Protest Forced Business Closures

Protesters gathered outside the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus on Thursday to demonstrate against Gov. Mike DeWine and Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Amy Acton.

Around 100 protesters crashed the governor’s coronavirus press briefing to stand up against the state’s “stay-at-home” order, in what appears to be the first example public dissent directed toward COVID-19 decrees.

Marchers chanted, “Open Ohio,” and held signs reading, “Quarantine Worse Than Virus,” “My Constitutional Rights Are Essential,” “Freedom Is Essential,” along with other slogans.


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Frank M.
Frank M.
4 years ago

We could have much faster action if DeWine and DR. AMY had their pay and medical benefits cut like so many others in Ohio. Let them go on unemployment and see that mess. I think a little skin in the game would help clear the mind.

Thomas Dowling
4 years ago

“Sixteen million jobs so far, many of which will never come back, a nation paralyzed with fear, trillions of unnecessary debt taken on the federal balance sheet that will detonate the budget within the next few years, literal house arrest for three quarters of the nation’s population, national and state parks closed, hotels empty, tourism destroyed, rural and suburban hospitals sitting empty, doctor and dental offices idle, a bunch of cops running around screaming at pastors for daring to preach the Gospel and all of it did not save one single life.

And, if true, the entire destruction of the economy was completely unnecessary.”

4 years ago

I said early on the federal govt should have declared force majure and suspended a lot of (negative) economic activity. Mortgage, rent, car payments, interest on cards, student loans, etc simply suspend it. There are programs in place to make sure and focus on making sure people thst need it can get basic food. The economic stimulus could have been done simply and straight forward, but instead it had to the true to the Amerikan style and be a boondoggle to the bankers. We could have simply taken care of those in need, engaged in testing and isolation like the countries that got it right. But no we had to be the worlds example of how to flush everything down a toilet.

Of course, we’re entering the crisis period of a 4th turning crisis. The problems will be in a spot light. Things will get worse before we round the corner and hopefully reemerge in a positive light where solutions are as simple as the problems were complex. Think the can do attitude of post WW2. It’s either going to be that or we will descend into darkness of totalitarianism l

4 years ago

Armed Force is going to be the Only Way “We the People” are going to be able to Take Back our Rights that have been Denied to us by the (((bolshevik))) (((parasites))). It is now Obvious that the government and its (((ownwers))) are Hell-Bent on creating a Boot-in-your-Face Forever, Techno-

Who is going to be the First to Throw Away (((their))) means of Monitoring and Control, the “Smart Phone”… thought Not, the sheeple are Addicted to it like Crack Cocaine.

Ha. Ha. Ha. I never had one, and Never Will. Just Watch, when the banks ‘Fail’, and the New Digital Dollar is introduced, You will be required to use one to “Buy or Sell”.

…and the ‘christians’ will be Lining Up to take (((their))) ‘Mark of the Beast’, for the Buy-Bull tells them so.