Despite Rally, Hype, and NIRP, Bear Markets Hound the Globe


The global stock market rally since mid-February has allowed stocks to recover at a blistering pace, or so it seems. And you’d think from all the hype that the bear-market episode is behind us.

By Friday afternoon, the Dow was just 4.6% below its all-time high, set a year ago, and the S&P 500 only 3.9%. On Friday, the S&P 500 edged back into the green year-to-date, while the Dow remains in the red. The Nasdaq is still down 8.8% from its high a year ago. But those were the cleanest dirty shirts of the major global indices.

So, now that we’re relieved the whiff of panic has blown over, it’s time to have a look again at our Bear Market Tracker, lest we think all is well in the world of equities.


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