DHS placing patriots on domestic terror watch lists in unlawful attempt to escalate violent interactions with police

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The Department of Homeland Security is intentionally placing local law enforcement in harm’s way by knowing (and falsely) entering the license plates of patriot-oriented radio hosts in the federal “terror watch” database. The aim of this tactic is to intentionally cause escalations of high-tension interactions between local police and pro-gun patriots, knowing that local law enforcement will respond to terror watch list hits with an escalated engagement posture involving firearms being drawn and pointed at the suspects.

The DHS — obviously at the command of an anti-American Obama regime that absolutely despises both patriots and police officers — is hoping that either the patriot suspect opens fire on police or that overreacting police open fire on the patriot. Either way, this serves the agenda of the Obama regime and creates a powerful narrative that mainstream media can use to call for nationwide gun confiscation.

How do we know all this? Because Pete Santilli, the host of Off the Hook on TalkNetwork.com, was pulled over by a police officer in Cincinnatti just two days ago. His license plate was flagged by the federal “terror watch list,” causing this police officer to respond with a very aggressive, high alert stance with his primary firearm drawn and pointed at Pete and his passenger (the terrorism “suspects”).


h/t Matt Bracken

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9 years ago

Look closely at the implications of such politically engineered violence -- do you remember the first time you heard the word, “SWATted”? Yeah, its amazing, when you look back at this presidency, how very much our entire society has been eroded in the last 7 years.

But this systematic and purposeful escalation by FedGov, this red-flagging citizens in the police computer system, with the plain intention of triggering violence between lawfully armed citizens and local LEO -- this is something entirely new, and a clear indication that they have moved into endgame play.

Their narrative is hollow, it lacks substance. How many times have the talking heads leapt to the claim that an armed assailant was a “right wing extremist”? But every time, it turns out that the mass murderers are either communists, or muslims. Plainly, they want armed confrontations which escalate into violence; ones that will feed their myopic narative.

Aparently they’ve decided that, since we’re not going to give them a patsy to which the “violent right-wing extremist” label will stick, they’ll just have to create a few out of thin air.

The veil of legitimacy has been thrust aside most obscenely, and rent its entire length, in their haste to create this final illusion -- that of ‘justification’ for the blatant abrogation of our enumerated Civil Rights, and the imposition of martial law…

They’re counting on this Full-monty ploy to bring them victory over truth, reality, and substance. A victory so decisive, that they believe it will turn our nation, our society into Never-Never Land, and thus that they will never, ever have to grow up…


Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

LT they see it as a can’t loose situation, Either we submit and live as subjects to the latest ruler du jour or we fight back “proving” their narrative.

We must all hang together or we will surely hang separately.