Did We Already Lose?

In 1975, Senator Frank Church appeared on Meet the Press and raised serious concerns about the capabilities of the United States intelligence community. As the chairman of the Church Committee, which was a senate probe into government intelligence activities, he notes the dual importance of gathering data on potential enemies of the nation while respecting the privacy of American citizens.


The Church Committee outlined what would happen if a tyrant ever seized control of the country. I do not have to tell you that Senator Church’s warning was not heeded and has come to it worst case fruition.

I cannot tell you that we will win back our freedom. The forces arrayed against us have every advantage.Their vaccination program has already served its intended purpose so that their plan to seize complete global dominance is assured.

In wars, battles are either won or lost. The occasional draw still has consequences that eventually will decide the final battle. The shame is that our side still is not convinced that the war has started. Obviously the side not fight in a war will never win.

Firefly, Malcolm Reynolds, Mal | Firefly serenity, Nathan ...

We must consider that the war is already over and we lost. Assuming this is accurate, what are our considerations to misbehave?

  1. Geography is our friend
  2. Low tech is our course of action
  3. Trust in the Lord
  4. There are worse things than dying
There are things that gnaw at a man worse than dyin ...

Only cowards surrender.

David DeGerolamo

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NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Yes. We can’t win if we don’t fight back.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

God hates cowards! We are a nation of cowards, we are in a delusional state of mind, body and soul. Hammered from birth to fit there perfect mold of a slave. May as well kiss our asses goodbye.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Many are cowards. Many of us are not. I speak for the patriotic, long-suffering men of God—We are a long fuse leading to a hair trigger. Once loosed, we will not be contained. And we will give no quarter.

3 years ago

We often discuss what the original founders would have done and many motivate current “patriots” to take similar steps to “take back the nation” but during those times they had the support of “the people”. Estimates show support for the Patriots at 40-55%, Loyalists 15-25%, and uncommitted 30-45%. We don’t have those kinds of numbers today… “Patriot” enemies are greater than the supporters, regardless of how they have been manipulated…they are rooting for the other side.

Before a physical battle could be won, I think the battle of the minds and spirit of the American people has to take place…they have to want freedom and independence to be willing to fight for it. They have to feel like these things are in jeopardy in order to make sacrifices to keep them. Noone wants to fight a losing battle… Our forefathers built their support over an extended period of time (and the people had to suffer to appreciate freedom and independence) in order to win. While, yes, there were individual battles and examples of resistance, there was also unrealized organization going on in the backgound that was necessary for success.

It is possible that this battle is lost but we shouldn’t allow our short term thinking dominate the conversation. We may still have a ways to go to win back the minds and hearts of “the people”, but it is still possible. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  marathonrunner

So we’ve been trying since 1861. How much longer should we give it since things have obviously gotten much better?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  marathonrunner

Those who stood against the tyranny? They were 3% you will never get the truth about support today. Enough of trying to garner support, the time for action is NOW.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

.gov ? or collaborator?
I don’t know you at all but I do know the tactics of .gov and their collaborators. They are agitators and their work looks much like yours.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

Your collaborators, I think I know who they are facebook, twitter etc. You have the hive mindset looking to control speech that does not conform to your masters will. A true social justice warrior you be. Have at it.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

projection is what you are all about, you just revealed yourself.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Randolph Scott

Still no answer how you know their tactics? Which agency were or are you employed by? You use the same tactics against me and that has been used against all dissent.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago

yes, we HAVE already lost.

Why exactly is that ?
Because 99.9998 % of the awake patriot and veteran community refuse to understand this entire thing has been done by the jewish community and those sold out to them.

It’s as simple as that. Nothing more, nothing less.
Now let’s see this go through moderation. Betting it doesn’t.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago
Reply to  fed poast

So that’s what it is! The Jews turned White People into pussies with their super-duper Jewdi Mind Control! So you are telling me that the Jew turned you into a Jewish Bagel… right?
And whenever you find one Jew among 10, 50, 100, 1,000, a 1,000,000+ White People… It’s the Jooooooooooo’s! Because…. White People are stoopid? It’s that Jewdi Mind Control? White People have no minds of their own? White People are incapable of being corrupt unless a Jew corrupts them? Of all the corruption in the White West of White People… it’s the Joooooooooo’s?
It’s the Jooooooo’s! Look at what the Jews did to White People! —-> White People
Face it, White People can just suck and be it’s own worst enemy without any help from the… Jew, or any other ethnos. I can see you kneeling before Christ proclaiming: The Jews made be do it Lord!
Man your White ass up.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

I don’t look to the jew or any other ethic man or woman, nor do I blame the jew for the world’s problems. Hate is the path of least resistance, stay on that path. You have already arrived at your destination enjoy the fruits of your labor. I will not look at color or ethnicity to call them my brother or sister. Freedom and liberty or tyranny and slavery is my guide. I choose freedom and liberty.

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

and this is why we’ve lost. You Sir do not know the real enemy. Better figure it out fast. You had better look to this group or it’s done

fed poast
fed poast
3 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

and this is why we’ve lost. You OBVIOUSLY are clueless to the ultimate enemy, sold out to them, or one of them

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

We have crossed the Rubicon. No turning back now. Get your shit together and make ready. Make damn sure you’re on the right side of this domestic war by january. ISYN.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

There will be no revolution. There will be no civil war. There will only be an rabid orgy of schizophrenic smorgasbord of competing interests and fiefdoms.

It is what comes after these competing interests and fiefdoms have spent among themselves.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

Enlarge your perspective read something besides mein Kampf.