The university protests are not about Palestine: the protests are meant to sow civil unrest which will continue to escalate prior to the elections. Get out of the cities because they have already fallen.
David DeGerolamo
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Always follow the money. As always these are to well organized, the momma basement dwellers are not this smart. Look at some of the interviews, they don’t even know that Gaza City is a place. This is our future ladies and gentlemen. God Help Us.
Oh Let’s Remember January 6th, nothing to see here
I admit I haven’t had these protests higher on my priority list. Today I saw that they may be in fact used to being in Martial Law prior to the elections. Would not surprise me.
Russia is also throwing down the gauntlet. If we keep “interfering” they said they will unleash Sarmat, Yars, and Avangard on NATO command centers. It’s game over then.
Unleash the Sarmat, Yavrs and Avangard on NATO command centers?! You make this sound like it would be a ‘bad thing,”
Yesterday one of our sons asked, “When was the last time you went to a campground and all the tents were the same kind and the same color?”.
I want to get in on this tent supply business. I think it’s going to last quite a while.
Yep, and who is funding soros,
And lest we forget…college students have ALWAYS been useful idiots.
Any. BLM or ANTIFA folks in the crowd??
See? we have the pretty girls on our side!!
The fact that George Soros should’ve been locked up years ago speaks volumes about our corrupt legal system!
Well golly geez batman! ! ! Ya think they may all be coordinated? ? ? DUUHHH! ! !