Did you know that Russia is in day 4 of their major Spring offensive? Did you know that they are taking towns and gaining land in the Donbass every day? Did you know that Russian electronic jamming technology is making US missiles and drones useless in Ukraine? Did you know that Western military technology is being made obsolete by drones?
I wonder where the $61 billion in aid from the US went? Some say it was already spent without Congressional approval. Some may have been blown up in Ukrainian warehouses. Some has been sold on the black market and shipped around the world. Some went into the pockets of defense contractors and some went into the pockets of politicians. One thing is for sure: we are being bankrupted to line the pockets of politicians and defense contractors.
The bottom line is that the “aid” will not make a difference in the war: Ukraine had already lost the war. Until the West joins into the fray based on a false flag or other contrived reason like upcoming elections. And when our woke military is fighting in Ukraine for corrupt and treasonous politicians, who will be defending the homeland?
This is not a rhetorical question. No one is coming to save us and God’s vengeance on the evil running this country will be widespread. Do you want your security in the hands of DHS, FBI or CIA? Or in the hands of law enforcement whose hands are tied by corrupt district attorneys? Or in the hands of illegal aliens who are working for the UN?
David DeGerolamo
Soup lines are coming? -- Civil Defense Manual As it says you better get your house in order, last call.
David, don’t forget 10% for the “Big Guy”.
The time is fast approaching in the former USA that the only “secure” ground is that which you are standing on.
Old Norwewigan saying, “If you invite a bear to dance, the bear decides when the dance is over……”
Sorry Bro the die has been cast. When NATO troops set foot in Ukraine the Nukes will fly and it’s everyman for himself.
Let’s get this party started, bring on the blue helmets!
‘Cry ‘Havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war’
Those Blue Helmets show up extremely well in a scope, even in low light conditions…
The best educated quess I can offer is the money went to politicians pockets through money laundering. This is how the politicians have screwing the tax payer over many many years. Remember a 900.00 hammer and 2000.00 toilet seat.
$31 billion is uncounted for….js