#DirectedEvolution TAKES THE WORLD BY STORM!!

So what will it take? We know that COVID-19 was released from the laboratory in Wuhan that was partially funded by the United States. We know that the governments around the world used this pandemic to control the people, inoculate people with a poisoned gene therapy, collapse our economies and generate huge profits for pharmaceutical companies. We know that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were effective treatments that were vilified and kept from being used in order to issue EUA (Emergency Use Authority) “vaccines”. We know that the gene therapy is killing thousands of people “suddenly”. We know that the media is still suppressing information on the pandemic such as the above report.

What do we suspect? We are being warned that another pandemic is coming. We suspect that many more people will die from spike protein myocarditis. We suspect that our children who were “vaccinated” will be sterile or less fertile. We suspect that WWIII will be initiated to cover up this genocide.

What will it take for us to rise up? They have lied to us, poisoned us, suppressed the truth and killed tens of thousands with an untested mRNA gene therapy. And yet the charade is still in the open as pharmacies and hospitals offer free COVID testing.

Father, forgive your children who did not have the necessary level of faith to trust in you. Father, give me the understanding to forgive these people because I am falling short with people’s lack of faith.

David DeGerolamo

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Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I have no ill will towards the people who took the shot. They will have to answer for that. I do have ill will towards those that think I should have lost my job, been removed from society and even killed. I have ill will towards the people who supported and took part in the shot. They partook in murder and they need to answer for this. God has told us what the punishment for murder is. They can be forgiven, but they still need to face the punishment for their crimes. You cannot have a civil and righteous society when murders walk the streets.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

God will judge them in his place, we should judge them in ours. We needn’t build gallows there are lots of trees and streetlamps. The laws of this land will not contain the evil nor will the courts do what is needed. Those that wish to save this country best start thinking hard, but not long, time wanes.

2 years ago

Well put, David!
Folks need to keep in mind that Yeshua said these things would happen and that even the “elect” would be fooled into partaking in idolatrous traditions and succumbing to voluntary corruption through greed and apathy…” I need my job” or it’s only a vaccine”…
Keep the Faith. He told us what would happen -- it’s happening all around us.
What more proof do we need that He’s telling the truth and that He intends to KEEP His promises? That He WILL return to collect His “church”, His “Bride”, His People…
We don’t know when but we DO know that it’ll be soon. Just look around you… The Euphrates is drying up” The Dead Sea coming to life” REALLY? And you doubt Him?
My word, folks! Wake Up!

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
2 years ago

David, covid was indeed a crime, but after many hours of study I am convinced it was not a lab leak in Wuhan. All the evidence points to a setup, a frame job.
The virus was engineered, but documents out of Ukraine biolabs suggest it was finalized there, then released in Wuhan during the military games.
The idea was to point the finger in another direction when it was inevitably determined to be an engineered bioweapon.
The Chinese were clearly blindsided by this and the US clearly knew it was coming in October/November of 2019.
No other scenario fits the available evidence and timeliness.
Now that the idiot at Pfizer came out and admitted that play with viruses -- which most of us already surmised, itbis one more brick in this wall of evidence.
If there is any evidence suggesting leak at the WIV I’d love to see it, but frankly there isn’t.
The WIV was a setup. Fauci and his band of psychos knew it would be impossible to cover up the engineered nature of the virus. Their efforts to suppress that evidence to me points right back to them. If China really engineered it there would be no benefit to trying to cover that up.
No, this was cooked in Ukraine, a lighter form was released as a test, that was the so-called “vaping disease”. Then during the military games, dropped on Wuhan. Why Wuhan? It is an industrial city, I worked there for 2 years building the Budweiser plant. It is very international with people from a hundred countries in and out all the time. Plus the WIV is the perfect scapegoat.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Thrace

Sounds like a James Bond movie script. I can’t refute it. However, it just seems if you can get 172 nations to lock down just by requesting it, what do you need a virus for? Just lie about the virus.
The jab we know is a bioweapon. Covid as a bioweapon? For what? Just think about how much time has been spent debating the “origin” of the virus. I think they are laughing at us “awake” folks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Just lie about the virus.

I happen to agree with Alex on this, but I also agree with you. That is, I think (don’t know for certain), that there is a real virus and the most likely scenario is what Alex describes.
That said, I don’t know this for certain, but what I do know, now, is that if there literally were no virus at all, the last three years would still have played out exactly as they did. So, I can’t rule out the non-existence of the virus.
The reason I tend to lean toward there being a virus is that there is a whole layer of scientists continually doing genetic sequencing of new variants in multiple labs. That would substantially broaden the number of people who would have to be “in” on the hoax.
Those scientists could easily be wrong, or proceeding from a bad presumption, or relying on some bit of “science” from an untrustworthy central source like the CDC. However, I don’t know enough about how that gene sequencing is done to be able to say that it’s fraudulent.
Long story short, I don’t know which it is. It seems a toss-up at this point.
I am, for now, coming down on the side of a real virus, but I remain open to the possibility that even that may be fake.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  FJQ

So you believe the “overwhelmed” hospitals while doctors and nurses were killing it with dancing tik tok videos? They are laughing at us. Sociopaths enjoy seeing how far they can push the envelope.

Alex Thrace
Alex Thrace
2 years ago

“We are being warned that another pandemic is coming” Agreed.

More evidence of deliberate release. Event 201 also proves foreknowledge as does Crimson Contagion. Accidental releases by definition are not predictable yet somehow they can predict?

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago

I used to believe Covid existed. I no longer do. I can’t prove it. I just started asking myself, what did they need a laboratory “leak” for? They lied their way to lockdowns, 6 feet distances, masks, overrun hospitals, Covid death counts and on and on. All they had to do was get their paid for media to announce that Covid was here and the rest was history.
Just think about the dog and pony show in congress with Rand and Anthony. Months of gain of function garble. It’s a non issue. Why didn’t Rand just announce to the world that the jab was a bioweapon? The issue is that Covid opened the door for the jab. All gain of function talk did was open the door to “China virus, China virus.” As usual, we posed as the good guys rescuing the world with the “warp speed” jab.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

I think it was a bad stain of the flu and they played it. If with you, why all the lies if it existed.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Thomas, thank you for taking the time to reply. I usually only get angry responses from folks!

Little Roy
Little Roy
2 years ago

YOUR FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but thanks for telling the world what we are doing.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Greedy idiots will wipe out humanity one of these days.

2 years ago

Think about the utter evil of the idea of “directed evolution” of diseases in order to sell more and more “vaccines” to reap even more enormous profits for the big pharmaceutical companies. Think of the deaths and human suffering, even of little children, caused by these satanic corporations. Where are the politicians, the news media, the government agencies that are supposed to protect us? Captured and bought-off by the very people who are murdering and maiming us by the tens of thousands. Damn them all into hell, Almighty God!

Grey Wulf
Grey Wulf
2 years ago

The tragedy now is the American people can’t seem to rectify this problem, the powers that be continue to move forward with their agenda. We expose them, they change course, deviate, confuse the situation, then continue their narrative. I’m not sure what the answer is but I do know the political system is not the answer, it is corrupt beyond belief and repair, there is no political Knight in shining armor coming to save us. Our Republic is in her darkest hour and needs her brightes, bravest and most couragest to step forward. The First Article of the Bill of Rights has accomplished about all it is going to accomplish, it is time to employ the Second Article of the Bill of Rights and prays for mercy and guidance from our living God and hope he deems us worthy. God Bless The Republic and Death To The New Word Order !!!!

2 years ago

“The Pox Plague” by ANNO.DOMINI.144K

“In two dream visions early in the morning a few days ago, the Holy Spirit showed me a plague to come that resembled smallpox. I thought this odd as smallpox is a virus that is supposed to have been eradicated worldwide in 1980.”

“In the first flash vision, I saw a man’s chest with raised bumps, the pox lesions more pronounced on one side, some so closely spaced that they appeared like red dotted vertical lines. Only a few minutes later, I received a second flash vision, this time of the faces of a man and a woman. On their cheeks, I saw pox marks quite closely spaced with only a little healthy skin in between. The pox lesions were mostly circular, raised not only in the middle but also along the perimeter.”

…”they both come from the orthopoxvirus family—but the Holy Spirit indicated to me that it was smallpox, variola, which is more lethal. Vaccinations for smallpox for the general public were stopped in the early 1970s. Only two prescription antivirals have been FDA approved for the treatment of smallpox, and neither of them have been tested on humans with smallpox.”

“I asked the Holy Spirit if any natural cures and treatments for smallpox exist. God provides many cures for diseases in nature, His creation. The Holy Spirit quickly drew my attention to a treatment used successfully by Native Americans and adopted by some 18th and 19th century physicians in the United States and Great Britain with excellent results. The extract of the purple pitcher plant, its botanical name Sarracenia purpurea, stopped smallpox infections from progressing, effecting noticeable reversal and healing in as little as two days.”…
