“DIRTY BOMB” Domestic Threat? 

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Another psyop by the goons at the fbi and dhs, nothing new. They are losing their patience, cowards all of them, just like the police in Uvalde.

2 years ago

Please don’t laugh at this, because I recall under Obama the sodomites reign of terror around 2012 a tactical nuke went missing and to this day they have not found it, backpack or suitcase nuke it’s all the same. Hm,. I am just wondering what red state city where a large group of republican conservatives are attending a rally, maybe one of Trumps and the FBI, Cia, or DOD sets the nuke off which will cancel all elections and the mentally ill patient in the white house declares martial law and locks down the entire nation, and most likely blame it on the Russians or the Iranians. I smell something really bad here because the demonrats know they are going to lose big and they will murder hundreds of thousands of innocent people just to retain power

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Phil

I am not laughing, sounds plausible to me.

2 years ago

Called predictive programming. This what we’re going to do and blame it on someone else.

2 years ago

fBI scammers

Buncha maroons

Buncha nincowpoops

2 years ago

abolish the alphabets.

strider 777
2 years ago

Why do the feds always try to threaten and frighten us? Why do they always want to divide us and keep us in a state of paranoia? What is their real agenda? What are their ultimate goals? Who do they really work for? If you answer the globalists, or the NWO crowd, or the criminal international banking families, you’re off to a good damn start at answering all of these questions.

robehr orinsky
robehr orinsky
2 years ago

Fook ’em .

live my life in peace.jpg
2 years ago

A dirty bomb requires radioactive material. Not impossible to get but very very difficult to acquire…..unless you have some help from someone in a position to access said material. Usually someone working for a government of some kind.

Tom Richards
Tom Richards
2 years ago

Expected! The fbi and the israelis have been trying to figure a way to set up a false flag nuc event inside the U.S.A. Since before 9/11.