Discovering Yourself in The Wild, with Alan Kay

If you were somehow stranded in the wilderness could you survive? And what would you learn about yourself in the process?

Alan Kay is a wilderness expert and winner of The History Channel’s Alone Season 1 challenge; he joins us today to talk about his experience and what learned about himself, about life and about humanity. On this episode we delve into those topics and much more.


If you haven’t seen Alone or don’t know the premise it was this:  Ten men (Alan and nine others) were dropped into British Columbia with only 10 items (from a select list). The last man standing went home with a $500,000 cash prize.

Although Alan had been teaching wilderness survival for the last 15 years, he didn’t actually sign up to participate. His friend, Chris Weatherman, passed along Alan’s information to the producers of the show. They contacted Alan and had a few email exchanges and a Skype interview. Eventually he was one of the ten selected.

When he was first dropped off into his area Alan was completely out of his element. He didn’t know the terrain of British Columbia at all. In fact he says there first 20 minutes he was there he was truly questioning why he had signed up!

Click below for Clayon Morris’ podcast with Alan Kay:


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