Disgraced Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok’s Wife, Melissa Hodgman, Named Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement for the SEC

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The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced Melissa R. Hodgman, currently an Associate Director in the Commission’s Division of Enforcement, has been named Acting Director of the Division of Enforcement.

“Melissa’s dedication to investor protection, broad experience in the Division, and proven track record of collaboration and creative problem solving make her ideally suited to this role,” said SEC Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee. “As Associate Director, Melissa has overseen a wide range of complex and programmatically important matters, and has been a leading voice in the Division on critical issues of diversity, hiring, and labor-management relations. She is highly respected by her colleagues in the Division and across the agency for her intellect and dedication.”



It appears that the sequel to “Destroying the Republic” is off to a huge start. The Deep State is so drunk on power that even their useful idiots are disgusted.

David DeGerolamo

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Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Thank You, Mr. DeGerolamo for the technical changes you have implemented into the comment section -- very nice touch 👍 Also, much appreciation for all that you are doing in keeping this platform going, and for you patriotism.

We take a walk with Catherine along the Dutch coast and learn more about her background and her thoughts. https://youtu.be/2f4qqBtkLUg

*Love how Catherine thinks, and I agree with her conclusion.

Last night, I watched this interview with the founder of LBRY. Jeremy Kauffman Interviewed by Richard Harris November 2020 (lbry.tv) I am impressed with what he thinks about freedom of speech, and towards the end he spoke on censorship as a whole. He is a 30+ father of three living in New Hampshire.