
I read a ‘white paper’ from a study group known as Sovereign Deeds about ten years ago. The paper and Sovereign Deeds have since disappeared from the Internet. The paper, however, struck a chord with me. It posited that the United States is incapable of holding together; that the different races, cultures, and religions contained within it would eventually rupture into open violence. The paper urged readers to voluntarily separate based on race. Blacks should move to the deep South, whites to the Mid-West or North-East, Hispanics to the South-West. The paper contended that when hostilities erupt, one’s skin color will be one’s uniform.

We see some of that violence today. I would remind the reader of the Black Lives Matter riots and the Rodney King riots. There were others along with flash mobs robbing stores in the cities and vastly underreported black on white crime. One need only look about to see that the desegregation efforts by the government that resulted from the Civil Rights Movement have largely failed. Black folks live with and associate mostly with black folks, Muslims with Muslims, Asians with Asians, Hispanics with Hispanics.

Mohammed Ali was interviewed by David Frost on his late night television show years ago. When asked about mixed race marriage, Ali responded, “Why would I marry a white woman? I want my children to look like me. Red birds with red birds. Blue birds with blue birds.” This was not what David Frost wanted to hear and he tried mightily, and without success, to nudge Ali into supporting miscegenation. Unfortunately, too many Europeans and those of European descent have climbed on board with Frost and his Globalist cohorts and find it trendy to date or marry outside of racial boundaries. Much of this is, I believe, simply virtue signaling, but it does have potentially catastrophic consequences.

Our globalist overlords have made it abundantly clear that they want to turn Europe and America into mixed race territories. They want the extermination of ‘white people’ as a race; kill us off or breed us out of existence. If simple observation won’t convince the reader of this fact, listen to what they say. They will tell us what they plan.

We intend to turn Europe and North America into a mixed mongrel race of Asians and Negroes ruled over by Jews.”
Richard C. Kalergi, Jewish European Union Founding Father

Many readers here are Christian. I’ve heard from Christian parents many times over the years that so long as their children marry a Christian, they care not what race the marriage partner is. Those who think that way are playing right into the hands of the Globalists. You are surrendering your race to extermination. Many commenters at this site want to do something. How do you ever expect to succeed in changing things for the better if you allow your adversaries to make you cringe in the corner by simply calling you names. Racist .. anti-Semite. How about courageously calling out what you see and working against it? That’s a start.

And who cares more for diversity? One who falsely professes it in order to destroy it and establish globohomo, or one who wishes to keep clear delineations between races and cultures? I love diversity. Diversity is the natural order. Red birds with red birds. Blue birds with blue birds. Something to think about.

My apologies as I’ve veered off topic … the disintegration. Vox Day seems to be echoing Sovereign Deeds.

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1 year ago

When The Schumer Hits The Fan, everything in the US will go tribal except in the few rural areas and very small towns where neighbors know other neighbors who are iof different ethnicities. Even in such tolerant neighborhoods, self-sorting exists with few whites attending majority black churches, few blacks attending white churches, etc. And even among those “mixing” with each other, the bonds of trust necessary for civil society are slim. They do exist and respect for others is practiced. However, sadly not anywhere will those few bonds keep an internecine bloodletting from happening.

Cool heads may slow down the coming race war; slowing it down but not stopping it. Few will want what the many push all to become a part of. And like our Second Civil War (1861-1865) which was fought almost completely in Southern States, it will become nation-wide, a horrid waste, as it destroys all lives, regardless of beliefs and practices.

We would be highly fortunate if we entered the Third World War before our Third Civil War hit us because the coming Third World War will be between Moslems and everybody else. Such a war would unify all Christian’s and the remaining infidels instead of their turning on each other through racial instigated civil war.

1 year ago
Reply to  Roth Harbard

Whites are the only identity that does not understand that “your tribe comes first”. Heck, even that there is any kind of identity there to claim.

There are many reasons for this. Many of those reasons are actually “good” in terms of how altruistic, colorblind, loyalty toward abstractions and higher purposes fosters in cooperation and productivity.

But as in all of life, there are trade-offs. The price for the deracination and colorblind civnattery and prioritization of idealistic abstractions has been hidden for a long time by economics and narrative shaping. But it is there. It lurks. It will reveal. It is starting to reveal, but only for those stricken with the hateful noticing gene. Efforts to fold it back into the narrative are running hot.

When it reveals in full, possibly soon, it will be very, very costly.

Finally, it is prudent to also understand the powers and groups and systems and institutions that have purposefully fostered the deracination, delegitimization, and hostility toward any vestigial sense of in-group preference or positive identity, as those people and their projects must never be allowed into the village after the reckoning.

Every seemingly grassroots effort to fold our identity and heritage back into the fog of cooperation for the greater good, i.e. ‘they are just trying to divide us!’ should be vetted with a lot of skepticism. Fool me once…

1 year ago
Reply to  SirLawrence


1 year ago

There are 1.5 billion Chinese. 90% of them are Han Chinese. To say that they are ethnocentric would be an understatement. And Chinese are ultra nationalists. Where ever they go in the world and open factories, or dig mines or pump oil out of the ground, they only hire Chinese to work at their businesses. Most of the time, the Chinese bring their own labor with them. The Chinese are for the Chinese, and every one else can pound sand. I envy that in them. Once we go back to that, we have a chance at survival.

1 year ago

A friend has a saying, “proximity + diversity = conflict”. It’s very true.
My mother used to work with a black woman. My mother used to comment on how “normal” she was, e.g. acted professional, talked normally (couldn’t tell she was black from speech), etc. That was until my mother saw her interact with other blacks, at which point it was full ghetto-tude and thick “ax scent”.