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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
2 days ago

I’m gonna’ share a little secret with all of you here--the General (ack in the day) used to work at Disney in a high-level position, inside this sick homo’s current entertainment division. Back in the day, it was run by old-school, literal hold-overs from Walt’s day.. and was geared strictly for family, wholesome entertainment.

Now as you can see it is occupied and operated solely by sexual degenerates of the highest (most dangerous) order. What everyone needs to know off the bing-bang is that ALL of the Disney operations are now controlled by such people (meaning sexual degenerates and leftist kooks) as you see in the undercover video. And my hat is off to James Okeefe for exposing these sick MF’rs for what they really are--and that is grooming your children (for transgenderism/homosexual and lesbian conversion) through exposing them to graphic sexual content.

Anyone who takes their family to a Disney theme park, who purchases toys, videos, books, toys or any other type of Disney paraphernalia is delusional and COMPLETE OUT OF THEIR MINDS if they believe that Disney now stands for wholesome, family entertainment. And this goes for their streaming channels and other outlets that they own--down to their cruise lines (another hot bed of homosexual activity). Any product or offering from the Disney group of companies should be avoided at all costs.

Last edited 2 days ago by General 'Buck' Turgidson
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 day ago

Yessir, voting with your wallet is extremely powerful.

8 hours ago

What happened to “Disney”? Jews took it over. That company may have been the last one in ‘hollywood’ that (((they))) didn’t Own and Control. The Results? Capture of the main Venue to ‘sell’ jew perversion to Children, their parents mostly unaware that the (white) people who produced all the Family-oriented material they grew up with had been replaced by the satanist ‘god’s chosen people’.
Wiemar Problems require Wiemar Solutions….

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
1 day ago

Its been clear for years the corporation is totally converged. If there are any normies working there, they just keep their heads down.
They will get the budlight treatment soon enough. Stand back and let them kill themselves. Protect your own. Don’t let it into your house. The corporation will implode.

ozark homesteader
ozark homesteader
1 day ago

The expired paradigm of Disney. Long regarded as “family friendly” in spite of the once-subtle barrage of magick, mysticism, masonic, pedophilic and satanic themes. Conservatives that still cling to the former view of Disney are being willfully ignorant and are betraying both their children and their countrymen. The most well to do sibling in our family moved with her self-professed-conservative/Christian/republican husband to FLA to be closer to disneyworld. Disgraceful. If its got disney in/on it, don’t buy it. Disney ought to be the Uber Bud Light of all the woke companies that have been eschewed by The Right.