Do You Believe?

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Have you ever thought about what you actually believe? Do you believe in equal justice? Do you believe in the Constitution and the Republic’s founding principles? Do you believe in your fellow man? Do you believe in God?

These are the kinds of questions that we should be asking ourselves and within our community. A belief in a political party guided by propaganda served by the media as your motivation is a false paradigm. Especially since the overwhelming majority of elected “rulers” have no intention of representing you or your beliefs.

At this time of the year, I ask that you aspire to become a better Christian and reflect on how your individual actions will may a difference in your children’s future.

David DeGerolamo

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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

Inventory and evaluate your beliefs often! Evaluate the origins of your beliefs as well!

Sniperbait66 RVN
5 years ago

Have you ever thought about what you actually believe? Do you believe in equal justice? Do you believe in the Constitution and the Republic’s founding principles? Do you believe in your fellow man? Do you believe in God?
YES, I do.
I also believe the Democrat Party has been suborned into being a shill for the Communist Party USA.
The DNC is fomenting Revolution across the board. ANTIFA IS the DNC’s Brown Shirts/Black Shirts. Pushing Communism/Fascism while calling Conservatives/Constitutionalists FASCISTS!

Underneath it all the Deep State has been pushing the dialog that WE Veterans are Traitors and Terrorists.
10 years ago, after our seven year old daughter told me she wanted to move in with me to get away from her Drunken Mother and her abusive boyfriend. Ten days later, my ex wife calls the FBI and accuses me of being a Terrorist.
Six hours later, 125 ATF, FBI, local SWAT and Deputies were at my door pretending to be Pizza Hut.
In court, the Federal Prosecutor used my Enlisting, then Volunteering for Vietnam, and remaining in the service for seventeen and a half years, before being put out on a Medical Discharge under Honorable Conditions. PROOF positive that I was A TERRORIST! My spotless Civilian record was another “sure sign” that I was “hiding” my TRUE identity as a TERRORIST from the American People! I was held behind bars for two years awaiting trial!!
At my arraignment, two Pedophiles and a Bank robber were given Bond.
The Judge told me that Bond was withheld because I was far TOO dangerous to be allowed on the streets of America! I thought being spat on when I came home from Vietnam was painful!

I was a victim of Obama’s “Reign of Terror”. I am now a convicted Federal Felon and unable to ever own firearms again. Fortunately, I am surrounded by Loyal Patriotic Friends who stuck by me through the entire ordeal and kept me from losing Faith and HOPE.

When the Domestic Enemies in the DNC unleash their violence against Americans, all bets are off and I’m covered….

God Bless America!