I received the following solicitation from the Daily Wire asking me to donate money to Thom Tillis. I do not believe that Tillis represents the values of the people of North Carolina and I do not believe he represents the Republican Party except as a Rino.
As for the Daily Wire, I removed myself from their mailing list. Why would I support an organization that advocates for politicians for a price?
David DeGerolamo
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Please see a special message from our sponsor.
We’re getting closer to our end-of-quarter fundraising goal, but we still need to raise an additional $2,572 before midnight tonight.
Thom Tillis is fighting to ensure none of the far-Left’s radical agenda comes to North Carolina. In order to protect our conservative values, we need leaders like Thom to take a stand for what’s right: fiscally responsible policies, empowering our small businesses, reining in taxes and spending and common sense leadership.
Again — we’re so close to hitting our numbers. Your support could be the difference between radical Democrats gaining a stronghold on North Carolina or the continued prosperity and growth that Tar Heels have experienced under Republican leadership. Donate now!
Thanks for your incredible support!
I sent Traitor Thom an email stating that the founders were acknowledging our God given rights not creating them in the Constitution. Shall not be infringed means exactly what it says and is not open to interpretation. Our rights have been trampled on enough. I told him to oppose red flag laws and any further gun control.
“He” sent me a wishy washy reply stating that he believed in common sense laws to protect citizens safety and states have the right to pass laws but that he does not support s.7.
“While I believe we can find common-sense measures which strike the right balance between protecting law-abiding citizens’ Second Amendment rights and ending gun violence, at this time I do not believe red-flag laws meet this standard and accomplish this goal. Accordingly, if S. 7 were to come before the Senate Judiciary Committee or full Senate for a vote in its current form.”
Common sense measures & in its current form certainly seem to indicate to me he doesn’t give a damn what the Constitution says or what N C citizens want and believe. Just another globalist puppet and deep state lackey.
I will oppose Tillis even if I have to vote for a domocrat!
How can anyone support a liar like Tillis?