Do You Believe What You Believe Is Really Real?


Back during the presidential debates, Ron Paul was belittled by quoting the Golden Rule. He was recently castigated when he, on hearing of the murder of America’s premier sniper, quoted Christ by saying, “He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.” The inference being that one who ‘murders’ others should not be surprised when the sword returns to strike him down.

Now, those who complain that American snipers deployed today do not murder must ask themselves some difficult questions. If our country were invaded, illegally, by the military of another country and we resisted that invasion, would an enemy sniper that targeted us be a murderer? Remember the definition of murder – taking the life of an innocent. Am I somehow guilty because I am fighting an invader to protect my family and my home?

Hero or Murderer?

Murder Is Still Murder

Ask just about any returning American veteran from our wars of empire what they were doing and most will admit they were ‘securing resources’. They fully well understand that they are not fighting to ‘protect’ America from a foreign enemy. Even the Secretary of Defense recently testified before the U.S. Senate that he didn’t have to ask for Congressional authority to conduct ‘operations’ unless said ‘operations’ involved defending America. Therefore, no request was made of Congress to authorize operations in Libya, Somalia, Yemen … No request for a declaration of war was made for operations in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Many of those who are deriding Dr. Paul claim to be evangelical Christians. This begs the question … Really? On what basis can one ridicule the teaching of the Master and yet claim to be His follower? How can one claim to be a Christian and yet advocate for the murder of others, even alleged enemies?

A neighbor of mine recently said that he thought all the Iranians and Palestinians should be killed. When I asked him if he remembered how Christians are to treat their enemies he responded, “Yeah, I know. We’re supposed to love our enemies and all that crap.” But he persisted in his opinion that we should just kill them. He is an Israel first evangelical and attends one of the most conservative fundamental churches in the area.

Americans have been so brainwashed that we fail to see the depths of our hypocrisy. I must admit to having been so indoctrinated, myself. I, too, once believed that we should travel to foreign shores and bomb those found there into submission. I, too, once bought the lie that we were doing these things to spread democracy and the American way.

It is easy to get caught up in ‘wave the flag’ patriotism and excuse ones own country for any crime. One of the wisest admonitions of all time is to ‘walk a mile in the other man’s shoes before judging him.’ Once we recognize the lies and false flag operations that lure us into foreign ‘operations’, once we walk a mile in the sandals of our so-called enemies, the truth of the evil being done in the name of America is unavoidable.

At what point, then, do ‘Christians’ – the Army of God – stand and say, “No more!” At what point do they refuse to continue to support and excuse the evil being done in their names? A false interpretation of Romans 13 (submit to Caesar) and the Rapture theory are, I believe, lies used by our true enemies to emasculate the Army of God and are excuses used by the so-called soldiers in that army to avoid their moral duty.

‘Just submit to the state (evil) and wait to be raptured away. You will not be caught up in the suffering.’ Even if one were to accept this as truth, how can it be reconciled against being ‘truth’ and ‘light’ and ‘salt’ in the world? Is one who follows such thinking not ‘hiding their light under a basket’?

Just as most ‘Christians’ decry abortion but do little to stop it, so too do they glory in the military might of the United States and justify unjust wars as morally acceptable. It’s easy to see how Ghandi concluded that he’d ‘be a Christian if it weren’t for the Christians’.

So, do you believe what you believe is really real? If you call yourself a Christian it’s time to ‘man up.’ If you’re not willing to stand, to do the next right and honorable thing, to follow the moral precepts of your faith, then admit your hypocrisy and stop soiling the name of Christ.

No one said that doing the right thing is easy. If you claim to be a Christian you have the example in the progenitor of your religion. It’s time to choose. Will you stand with the light or will you stand with the darkness?

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Francis Gladstone Peck
12 years ago

Well stated.

12 years ago


12 years ago

oh, please….

Eric Dailey
Eric Dailey
12 years ago

Americans are brainwashed by TV, movies, radio and the print media. Even sports is for brainwashing Americans. All sports. To free your mind you must KILL your TV. That is all.

Fed Up
Fed Up
12 years ago

Wait a minute all you Christian bashers and those of us for the 2nd Amendment. Read the account of the last supper in Luke. Luke 22: 36, 37, 38 Jesus told his deciples that before when He sent them out He told them to take nothing with them. Take no extra cloths, scrip, money and shoes. But this time when He sent them out He said,”If you don’t have a sword then sell your coat and buy a sword”. Peter said,”here are 2″. Jesus said, “that is enough”. We don’t know if the 2 were Peters or collectively they had 2.
In the Garden when the priests and soldiers came after Christ, The deciples didn’t know if they were comming for all of them and Jesus. Peter cut the ear off of the servent of the priest. Jesus said “put up your sword”. Then He said, “Those that live by the sword shall die by the sword”. Then Jesus put the ear back on the servant. The servant was an inocent bystander as a servent required to be there.
He may have been refering to the soldiers…living by the sword. But he didn’t say, “Peter get rid of your sword!”. I am sure that a deciple that was carrying a sword had less to worry abour than a desiple that didn’t carry a sword. “Living by the sword” infers that that would be your way OF life. We want to live in peace. We are willing to defend our selves from those that make their living by the “sword”, gun, SWAT team, DHS, DOJ, FEMA, blue hats, andany others doing the bidding of the satanic politicians that are causing the problems to out liberty and being a curse to this country.
The point being, we are not to murder. Killing in war as a soldier, self defence and other such along that line I believe are not MURDER. Abortion is I believe murder because of the word “concieved” which is the beginning of life. How many babies are murdered daily?
This “gun grab” is not about just Liberty and Freedom it’s about slavery and surcomming to the will of the tyrants.
So for me, don’t tell me I’m getting ready to murder the opposition. For me they want to murder me for what I believe in. I will carry the “sword” of defiance. I will be ready for the words; to arms, the enemy is at the door. Even Christ (in my opinion) had his deciples be ready for the moment when the sword was necessary.
Will you try to convince me that my peace loving gun in its scabbard is a murderer? My guns are legal. Who is it that wants to make them illegal because they are quiet? Will “they” take the Red Coats part and charge the hill full of Patriots in and attempt to disarm us? Remember this. The ones that gave the Red Coat soldiers the orders to go and take the arms did not taste the air that day. They sat in their offices and sent the order to go take. This is the same as today. They send others to do their bidding. Will they feel the sorrow of seeing their friends die? NO! Leave us alone everyone has an opinion. Things were fine untill O”BAMA GOT HERE!!!!!!!

12 years ago

If our country were invaded, illegally, by the military of another country and we resisted that invasion, would an enemy sniper that targeted us be a murderer?

Yes, but not vice versa.

LT Prepper
LT Prepper
12 years ago

Murder is about motive; manslaughter is about lack of self-regulation; and self-defense is about necessity. Each death by violence must be one of these three, and can be no more than one…so if it be self defense, then it is *not* murder. Period.

And if a man puts on a uniform and straps on a gun, and goes forth to impose his will upon others by petty tyranny, or intimidates people to gratify his love of power, then if he kills he is a murderer, regardless of any other circumstance, for motive trumps the others by an order of magnitude.

This is a fixture of the law -- that if you go forth with the intent to commit a criminal act ( issuing threats, harrassment, and unlawful detention are all crimes), and death results from the commission thereof, regardless of other circumstances, then you have committed murder, for you had intent and forethought. Thus, it was neither necessity, nor a simple and momentary lack of self regulation which resulted in death, but criminal motive -- this leaves murder as the only legitimate charge. If this be so for you and I (and it most certainly is), then it should be even more applicable to one who is armed, trained, and paid to “serve and protect” us.