Do You Have Any Respect for Our Government?

Is it really our government at this point? What options are left to people who believe in their natural laws under God?

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

I loathe all liberals

5 years ago
Reply to  Herbie

so do i Herbie!! even the ones in my family

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  kathy

Do you also Love them?
Can you find a way?

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yes, we can hate the evil yet still Love the person. Does not the Bible tell us this?
We can pray for our enemies. We can also forgive them.

Have you noticed hate seems to be what the world is doing its best to spread?

5 years ago
Reply to  a follower

sure i LOVE them.but i can have no dealings with them

lon haney
lon haney
5 years ago
Reply to  kathy

Good to know. i wish more understood this.

5 years ago

i have no respect for things like this what so ever!! it is a rogue Gov

Don Johnson
Don Johnson
5 years ago

We no longer have a responsible and representative government on either a state level or in Congress ! We are being invaded on our Southern Border and nothing is being done except being given a ocean of excuses. Treason, Sedition, Derilection of Duty, Malfeasanse in Office, Constitutional Violations from A-Z, and much more have over taken this country and it is getting worse by the day folks ! ***At what point is enough really enough for us to get vocal and even violent with our elected officials and remove them from office ? When are we going to realize like many before us, that our country is one giant cesspool and it is time to call the septic tank cleaner ? Then we have the ever increasing cost of endless wars, illegal immigration, ever increasing national debt, etc; etc./ We can no longer allow this to happen to us and if our government won’t do there jobs, it is way past time for us to do our jobs and repair and restore our Republic at all costs !****

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

Our Government?
Do we look at this physical earthly government as ours, or do we look to God? Yahuah’s government?
Is it the same? Has it ever been? Should it be?