Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Cannibals
From YouTube:
In his first Afterburner since the election, Bill Whittle weighs in. Now that Barack Obama has been reelected president, ObamaCare is certain to remain unchanged. Bill thinks this is the first step towards massive tax increases, socialized health care, and a citizenry more dependent on the federal government than ever. So although the foreseeable future of our great country may seem grim, hear why Bill thinks patriots must continue to fight the good fight for the duration.
I have childern, I am in it for the long haul. I was taught about being a American and what it means growing up. I believe in the freedom of a democracy. This is not the USA I was raised it. We have been duped. I believe we must fight the good fight to take America back. I don’t know how but I am willing to hear and suggestion of worth.