Dock Strike

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Bigus Macus
Bigus Macus
4 months ago

broadly : one who is opposed to especially technological change
The Luddite argued that automation destroys jobs.
Luddite adjective

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
4 months ago

If there is anything you need, get it now. If this strike happens, many items will not be available or they will be much more expensive.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
4 months ago

Ive been telling people for the pas week fill gas tanks, cars with fuel and buy food preps…this could get ugly FAST!

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
4 months ago

Striking against automation seems kind of counterintuitive.

4 months ago

Plant that winter garden. When I was young a lot of the food was produced locally. Get those rain collectors installed.

When I analyzed this years back I estimated winter would be when shit would hit the fan. Mainly due to weather issues. Winter is the season where most people in the US are the most vulnerable or confined to their geography. It’s called being sitting ducks.

As far as the strike goes, Reagan would have ultimately allowed the Longshoremen to be fired to save the economy. Biden is no Reagan. This could be the trigger event of the final collapse if nothing is done.

It’s a no-win situation for the Longshoremen. If negotiations result in an impasse it will go to arbitration. The arbitrators will open the books and I’m not sure what they will find will be favorable for the Longshoremen.