A 48-year-old Ohio doctor unexpectedly died on April 27, 2021. There was no official story on the cause of his death, only a satirical obituary that was written in the first person. The news of his death made waves around the world. Various media outlets from MSN to Fox News praised his self-written obituary and extraordinary life as a doctor. The news of his passing was featured in news outlets ranging from Australia to the United Kingdom. Dr. Thomas Flanigan was a loving husband and father. He was also a middle-aged plastic surgeon who often used satire to communicate his views on medical topics. He was very public about his views on vaccines, and even used Facebook to mock vaccine skeptics.
Doctor marketed for Moderna and mocked vaccine skeptics just weeks before suddenly passing away
On January 6, he got his first dose of Moderna’s experimental vaccine. He got on Facebook to advertise for Moderna, posing for the camera shot. “I did it for the free orange juice. I’m pretty sure the needle was like a foot long. The good news is that I didn’t feel the microchip going in but I can hear local radio stations now,” he stated.
On February 3, Flanigan got back on Facebook to mock vaccine skeptics again. “Second dose. The microchip is working just fine. My mind is slowly being taken over by the hive mind. We are just fine. Resistance is futile.”
The news agencies praised Flanigan’s first-person, tongue-in-cheek obituary, but failed to mention his medical backstory, how he received the experimental covid shots just eleven weeks prior. According to all the media reports, the cause of death is “not clear.” However, no autopsy or investigation was launched into the cause of his sudden, young passing.
Why did the 48-year-old doctor write his own obituary after taking the experimental vaccine protocol in the first place? Someone who dies suddenly usually doesn’t have their obituary written out in first person, with great attention to detail.
It serves the son of a bitch right! I hope he rots in hell for selling Fauci’s lies, Asshole!
Sounds just like a “Babylon Bee” article.
Asshat! Dead asshat.
Get that poison kidz cause gubment say it safe