In response to a letter from a coalition of religious liberty advocates concerned about anti-Christian bias in Defense Department “equal opportunity” training materials, the Department of Defense says it is reviewing those materials and will decide this month whether to continue using “private organizations” as resources in developing them.
The coalition specifically cited the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a group the military should stop relying upon as a source for equal opportunity training.
DOD spokesman Lt. Commander Nathan Christensen told on Dec. 19 that if DOD decides to continue using private groups as resources, it will also decide whether a disclaimer should be included when those organizations are cited in DOD training materials.
Christensen did not say whether DOD would agree to meet with members of the coalition concerned about religious freedom in the military to discuss their concerns.
This needs to be posted..
This is TREASON -- VIOLATING the Oath of Office..
Anti-gun Obamacare Mandate, HHS would PUSH TO DISARM 10s of millions of US citizens..
Despot Obama proposes massive gun ban by regulation FIAT..
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