The writers/actors’ strike is still in effect. Does it matter? The quality of Hollywood’s products has been a woke disaster for years. The UAW went on strike. Does it matter? Not many working people are able to afford a used car let alone a new car or truck.
Now, Kaiser medical employees are about to go on strike. Does it matter? The public opinion of medical “professionals” who sold out their patients to the pharmaceutical companies could not get any lower. Most people still do not know that hospitals were collecting government COVID-19 bounties on the deaths of old or infirm people.
David DeGerolamo
“It Could Be The Largest Healthcare Strike In US History”: Kaiser Workers In DC, Virginia, Maryland Authorize Strike
Kaiser Permanente workers in the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland have joined workers in other states in voting to authorize a strike.
The Office and Professional Employees International Union Local 2 said in a news release that members at Kaiser voted to authorize a strike by a margin of 98 percent if no agreement is reached by Sept. 30. This comes after Service Employees International Union members in Colorado, California, Oregon and Southwest Washington voted to authorize a strike at Kaiser in the past two weeks.
Good, hope they never return to work. How much better off will our society be when they are gone, I believe 100% better.
There all in the clutches of the Luciferians, and I could care less if they every return to work.
Vile bunch of satanic revelers.
Let them strike. I don’t care, not only because I don’t buy or use the products the would be making if they were on the job (and that assumes they are competent and do their jobs even reasonably well), but with regards the the SAG and WGA specifically, these people are nearly all degenerates who have ruined the culture of the country I was born in with their endless poison pills in the form of so called “entertainment”. Let them starve.
I have no regard for health care workers anymore, either. They shredded whatever remained of their already compromised credibility and respect during the COVID scam. They too can starve for all I care. Let them do dance routines on TikTok and try to live off the proceeds of their monetized social media attention whoring. Naturally, I won’t be watching.
I can find some small amount of empathy for UAW rank and file, mainly because I cannot possibly side with the garbage tier, thoroughly leftist management of the domestic automakers. They are yes (wo)men for .GOV and it’s stupid and unworkable EV mandates (among other problems with the way they have been running these companies…right into the ground) and therefore they are my natural enemies, far more so than the line workers.
The assembly plant workers, despite their usually misguided -- and now very likely ruinous support of the demoncrats -- did actual work, and might be capable of learning that they were misled into their present situation. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, and if they fail to grasp what the true source of their problem is from the present course of events, then they can piss of as well, for all I care. I am willing to give them a shot a changing course before I write them off, however. It may be a moot point though, because events are coalescing in such a way that these companies may be unsalvageable as going concerns, leaving them all out of a job regardless.
Way Pat Time to dump these greedy sob’s.
There was a time….
Now the Unions are The Abusers.
Oh, I agree the unions are no longer fit for purpose. That is mostly due to the absolute corruption and self dealing of the officials who run the unions. The rank and file membership of the UAW -- the hourly grunts -- may finally be getting a clue about how they’ve been played (though that remains to be seen, and is still pretty doubtful). Irrespective of that, the management of the auto companies is garbage just on the basis of their ideology.
I don’t think these companies can all survive, in any case. Their business model appears to me to be hopelessly broken. Few can legitimately afford their product now, and if the UAW gets it’s demands met, the cost of a new vehicle will be untenable for the vast majority of people. All the complexity and govt mandated crap that has driven up the prices for 50 plus years needs to come out, as well as all the added costs from financialization, for vehicles to be within reach again, and actually worth purchasing. None of that can realistically happen until the system, as presently constituted, crashes and burns.
I too have come to the conclusion our current mess is not salvageable. We can all debate the minutia ad infinum, the reasons and results are many and varied. What I cannot escape however, is the feeling it is hopelessly compromised. There was a time I thought things could be salvaged and put back together, but frankly the people, the population, is too stupid and easily led by charlatans.
We’re going to have to kill a whole lot of people to get the world we want to live in. People still don’t get that.
Before they strike, fire all of them. Everyone is replaceable, EVERYONE!
Yes, please go on strike. Accept no offers. Stay out for a year. They are useless. They do not help people but they do sell a lot of drugs.
Nurses have been upset for years about the diversion of computers into their jobs. They nurse computers so that great big insurance companies have “bones to pick” about reimbursement.
For years nurses were told insurance would not pay hospital bills unless each meal was documented and a percentage of food eaten recorded along with the most useful information -- either ‘fed self’ or ‘fed by staff’. I guess the hospital got a few more pennies if staff fed the hungry patient.
So move along to the ICU where things can move pretty fast. The nurse still has to enter information that IS pertinent and that is NOT pertinent in the computer over and over.
So on a med surg floor, the nurse can be responsible for 5 to 10 very sick or high acquity patients for a shift. Night shift patient ratio can be even higher.
And the nurse is still banging information into a computer, instead of taking care of patients at the bedside.
Who wants a “career” like that? Now add in the fact other hospital staff can be heard saying ” Nurses are a dime a dozen”.
I know several doctors who were saved by nurses notes from lawsuits. Nurses rarely do notes now.