Does Everyone Know?

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
1 year ago

The chef apparently knew and was going to tell all in a book. That being said, Tucker screwed up by interviewing Sinclair. That guy may be telling the truth, but he also has 2 decades worth of criminal complaints against him. The mask wearing sheep will dismiss his testimony.

1 year ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Make you wonder if he’s an unwitting accomplice, or an accomplice.
Ps as one who’s made a goal of learning how to make things, I’m interested in your background with Ammonium Perchlorate compounds. Indy and NASCAR have been using sublimation since the seventies, maybe even the sixties. Claims that Indy crews are getting 60% eff is total BS. Once you know this, it becomes comical to watch old footage.
Montoya hitting the jet dryer at Daytona. It always happens during caution, and you can see the rear brakes glow during night races.

Who Dat.jpg
1 year ago

If you want to test the question of Moochelle being a tranny do this:

Find photographs of Moochelle holding each of “their daughters” just after the child’s birth.

Every parent in the world wants a photo of their new baby.

No photos mean that Moochelle was not “the mother of their daughters”…… and then you conclude the reason for that absence of photos is because Moochelle is Big Mike and is a Tranny. Also there are no photos of Moochelle pregnant.

To make a different determination requires many more facts that overcome the photos of something in Moochelle’s groin area…., statements (slip of the tongue) by WoeBama about “Mike and I” and the photos of Mike Robinson as a teenage boy.


Tom Bombadil
Tom Bombadil
1 year ago

I saw a very interest video on Youtube that explained what to look for in case you’re not sure about a person’s gender.
They stated the width of a man’s head X 3 will fit upon their shoulders, for a female only 2 widths, 2.5 only if she is a big girl.
On a male, the index finger is shorter than the ring finger, on a female they are the same length.
The belly button on a male is above the waist indents, a female’s belly button is below the waist indents.

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom Bombadil

That’s all subjective/objective. Human bodies do not all conform to statistics. Trust your eyes and your gut.

1 year ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

Thats exactly right God has give every person on this earth intuition to know the difference. Some people though want to turn a blind eye to situation.

1 year ago

The media wanted to push this story out as fast as they could since the Sinclair interview with Tucker. Tucker let his hand out much too soon, by doing this he basically gave the MSM the go ahead to get the sheeple to not buy into the story this far in advance because Sinclair is a liar but, in this case, he was telling the truth. The idiot sheeple will forget about this story about big mike and Obama by next year and completely disregard it as republican false information. this is what the msm does best and now will be gearing up for big mike to run instead of Biden. since the story is out now it won’t have any effect on big Mike running because the media has been running interference for the transvestite pervert Liar all this time.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

whoever gave me this minus is completely ignorant of the devil’s devices and more so about the intent of the MSM and their lies and perversions.

1 year ago
Reply to  Phil

another minus from someone of little understanding and lack of awareness. No problem I don’t despise you for it but forgive you because you know nothing.

1 year ago

The nation was lied to on purpose. It would not have voted for a gay person to represent its country. That said, we are being desensitized with all the transgender agenda so that Michael/Michelle will run for President 2024. People need to know who they are really voting for!

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
1 year ago
Reply to  Martha

Exactly! Joan Rivers let out the secret too early and was killed for it.

1 year ago

yes, everyone knows obummer the kenyan is queer.

mike fink
mike fink
1 year ago
Reply to  kal

If this all comes to pass in public and Barry is outed and Big Mike is too, then perhaps we can have the national discussion we were not allowed to have in 2007/8 about exactly who these people are. There is a hospital in Kenya with a legitimate British colonial record of Barry being born there to a Kenyan father. He lived under a different name and called himself a foreign national through his college years. He is an obvious imposter and clearly was Constitutionally ineligible for the Presidency as saner people observed at the time. He should consequently be arrested and charged with gross fraud, tried and imprisoned. His wealth from Senate and Presidential income confiscated, and executive orders in his name rescinded. Won’t happen of course, this country is too far gone. He would probably just change his name back to Barry Seato and declare himself eligible to run again under the different name. The Left would certainly turn out for that in overwhelming numbers, not that there is any need to count votes anymore.

1 year ago
Reply to  mike fink

well, his Hawaii birth cert is a fake!

1 year ago

The cracks in the media are beginning to go against Biden for next year’s re-run. The wicked fake msm media is gearing up for a Michael Robinson run in 2024. By that time all of the transgender and sodomite news from 2023 to the present will be out in the open and labeled as false news from the republicans/conservatives. The fake msm have been conditioning the American people on transgenderism/Sodomite behaviors for two years using movies, commercials, Hollywood, K-12 schools across the nation, etc. under the criminal chief in charge, and all one had to do is look at obiden’s administration with men wearing dresses and lipstick in his cabinet and the entire government, he has flooded the bureaucracy with creatures from hades and the conditioning has been working using state run media.