Does the ‘Black Lives Matter’ Movement Help Democrats?'s Steve Ertelt

Republican political consultant Ed Rogers said no, it doesn’t. In fact, it hurts them. From his post on the Washington Post’s PostPartisan blog.

As the Black Lives Matter movement increases its profile, I am reminded of Occupy Wall Street. The Occupy Movement quickly swelled in size and garnered a lot of attention, then entered an awkward era where it couldn’t really think of what to do next. And beyond a retro, reminiscent-of-Woodstock destruction of some public parks, the Occupy Wall Street movement and its “We are the 99%” slogan didn’t go anywhere.

The Black Lives Matter movement appears to be louder and more pointed, but is perhaps even more aimless than Occupy. In fact, the Black Lives Matter protesters have contorted their message into a political statement meant to intimidate politicians from even acknowledging that “all lives matter.”

Some of us conservatives believe the “Black Lives Matter” narrative merely is a convenient tool to guilt politicians into taking more of our hard-earned money. If black lives truly mattered to these disgruntled liberals, that concern would encompass the voiceless, the defenseless, the most vulnerable: black babies in the womb. If you don’t include the unborn or even mention the disproportionate crime rate among blacks, the cause is disingenuous.


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9 years ago

these fools should really spend there time in front of the planned parenthood abortion mill buildings, but they wont. These LUNATIC RACISTS are well funded by the murdering thug khazar jew Soros and the demon-rat party is there mouthpiece for all sorts of freebies and give always stolen from the taxpayers . Soros needs to be extradited from the country he is in and all his assets seized and sent to jail for the rest of his miserable life.