Does the PCR Test Affect the Pineal Gland? Humans and “Transhumans”. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger

There is hardly a border-crossing without an obligatory PCR-test – which by the way is invalid (as confirmed by the WHO on January 20, 2021) in determining whether you are infected with the covid virus.

It was never invented and designed for this purpose. See this directly from Dr. Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR-test, who died in August 2019, shortly before the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2, alias Covid-19.

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, an international health scientist, clinical and epidemiological researcher and faculty member of the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne, as well as a former WHO insider, talks in an 18-min. video clip about “the plan” WHO and 193 UN member states are pushing to implement.

Astrid Stuckelberger provides insights into the inner works of WHO. She explains how the actions of WHO violate their own regulations.

She says that the pandemic is organized internationally in a systemic way. “What is shocking”, she says, “is that they are all saying exactly the same thing, all media, all newspapers, all airports – in all UN countries…”

Dr. Stuckelberger goes on saying – and I am paraphrasing – that the different task forces of experts advising the decision makers are all fraught in conflict of interest, because they have been told what they have to advise, that they were dismantled many times since the beginning of the “plandemic” by real scientists, but these real scientists, who present real science are not published, because all the media are bought.

She talks about mRNA-“vaccines” being bioweapons, and about the eugenics and depopulation agenda behind it all. She also mentions specifically the PCR-test, and how it affects the pineal gland.

The pineal gland was described as the “Seat of the Soul” by René Descartes (French 17th Century philosopher) and it is located in the center of the brain. The main function of the pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information to produce and secrete the hormone melatonin – which is giving humans senses and sensibilities. Reducing or eliminating these unique capacities, makes us humans vulnerable to “robotization”.

She asserts that if there wasn’t a deeper agenda behind the PCR-test, there would be no need to stick a test-swab deep into your sinuses where it touches a thin membrane that separates the sinus cavity from your brain. A saliva sample would be enough. The question raised by Dr. Stuckelberger (yet to be fully corroborated) is whether they are putting a toxic substance into your brain – which affects the pineal gland?

Dr. Stuckelberger also mentions the plan of nano-chips being implanted with the mRNA-type gene-therapy.

Read The Whole Article here…

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Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

It wouldn’t surprise me if they are implanting something with the testing. Not only does it wear you down (the constant chipping away at your resistance) i’ve noticed that people I’ve had conversations with that are ant-vaxx, months later I learn they’ve been vaxxed. That suddenly the reasons they gave for not taking it, don’t matter.
Turns out they were also “tested” on a regular basis, for work or to see relatives in nursing homes.

3 years ago

It is Past Time to be debating the various ‘mechanisms’ being used as Biological Warfare. The Only Thing that Matters Now is Refusing to be a Victim of the Genocidal ‘pogrom’.
This will eventually, and Inevitably, require Violence against All those Involved, in particular the “doctors” who have been Participants in these Attacks.

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

I had read earlier on that the deep invasion of the PCR test was to implant a hydrogel with nanobots. It just keeps on morphing. I believe at this point that the demons who are pushing this on humanity are sitting back, so thrilled with our complacency, that they can’t wait to try another indignity (as the test up the rear) and destroy yet another human characteristic. The point really is that this is not about me, it’s about the ones I love who are transfixed on acceptance into the NWO. Curse these scientists and elite idiots and hybrids and just stupid ‘go-along-to-get-along’ shmucks! I don’t know if anyone remembers Al Capp’s ‘Lil Abner’ but he would have had plenty to say about something so insidiously dumb. Just imagine! These victims are willfully destroying their human bodies, in exactly the ways required to fix our attention on Christ, as the penal gland is involved in higher consciousness. Thank goodness God is merciful and omnipotent for those that repent.