November 04, 2023 WASHINGTON, DC , Tens of thousands marched through DC Streets demanding to Free Palestine
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November 04, 2023 WASHINGTON, DC , Tens of thousands marched through DC Streets demanding to Free Palestine
Is it coincidence that the Palestinian flag has the same 4 colors as the 4 Riders of Revelation?
All these people are pawns and puppets, part of Obamanation’s plan to destroy this nation. They also figure into David Wilkerson and Dimitru Dudumans prophetic visions of the destruction of America. First by internal revolution, then by external invasion.
I believe them, I’m not asking or forcing anyone else to.
I bet at some point these groups will told that us white Americans are the source of their trouble and they will be turned loose on us.
Never interrupt your enemies when they are fighting with one another. -- H/T to Sun Tzu. After what happened to the true patriots of 01/06/2020, this is Karma for all of the Biden/Obama worshipers of the Marxist-Infanticide Party, and the stupid, clueless “Christian Zionists”. Let it all tumble down.
History shows all useful idiot “Revolutionarys ” are USED UP by destroying the “Enemies of the State ” before they are eliminated in a night of the long knives.
Celebrate Not as the Powers that Be planned to have us dead or re-education camp by then.
Do you Celebrate stomping dozens of fireants to death while the hundreds are eating you?
All I know is that the people who disparage me as Goyim and the people who want to kill me because I am an Infidel are now busy killing one another. Not my problem. The Soros rent-a-mobs are attacking en masse the American Crime Family Time Share at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Every Woke University is tearing itself apart over this Gaza Clown Show, with its rich, leftist Jewish donors having kittens over the antics of faculty and students. Meanwhile, every Democrat-run Blue Hive in America is melting down due to crime, corruption and the exodus of its business community and working taxpayers. It’s all music to my ears.
These red ants are not eating me, Michael. They are eating each other. They are also culling the clueless white sheeple, normies, and cucks in these Blue Hives who are absolutely of no value to those of us who have been preparing for this since Y2K. I and my tribe here in Winterfell (North Idaho) continue to prep, watch, listen, and STFU. The canaries in the coal mine have given us all fair warning. Debate time is over. Bleib ubrig.
when your enemy professes to wish to drink your American blood and eat you, we should all start realizing what we are truly up against, because your government doesn’t.
It’s possible that all this hate directed at the natural Jews will soon be directed at the spiritual Jews (born again believers in Jesus Christ).