Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee

Eric Holder has established a “Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee” because:

We also must concern ourselves with a different type of threat. We face an escalating danger from self-radicalized individuals within our own borders

The upcoming civil unrest will come as a result of the destruction of our greatest strength: unity. We have been divided into so many different classifications that I now only regard myself as a Christian Patriot (CP). In the eyes of the federal government, this makes me a domestic terrorist. There are only two factions that will be involved in setting our future: domestic enemies (DEs) vs. domestic terrorists (CPs). I do not seek any satisfaction in this government’s labeling of people as terrorists: that is a typical propaganda tool to mislead people. Especially people who want to believe. In anything but the truth.

So what do we call the upcoming civil unrest for which the government has laid the groundwork by militarizing our police, stockpiling ammunition and firearms, and reducing our Liberty through legislation, executive orders and alphabet agency mandates? Some simple definitions first:


A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

Civil War

A war between factions or regions of the same country.

I do not see “Revolution” as being applicable: CPs want to restore our founding principles that DEs have usurped. Civil War may be applicable based on a war between factions: Capitalism vs. Communism or Christianity/Judaism vs. Islam. But the reality is that this comes down to the same basic fight: good vs. evil. The government can label good as evil, but with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, I cannot see any path that does not lead to victory: on Earth or the afterlife.

How will CPs label their fight to restore Liberty? Some call it a War of Restoration. However history records the name of this conflict, the objective is clear. We must give our children freedom. And that means winning the conflict and then ensuring the government will never get back out of its intended box. The latter will be harder and take more time.

As the DEs are positioning their players, laws and equipment, I take solace that good always defeats evil in the end.

David DeGerolamo

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