Don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the state of what passes for politicians in America. But then again, Obama is laughing at us as he pulls the trigger.
David DeGerolamo
Don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the state of what passes for politicians in America. But then again, Obama is laughing at us as he pulls the trigger.
David DeGerolamo
Ya! Ya! We’re saved!
All of our problems are OVER!
Bernie won!!!!!
Just kidding.
What a race we have here, indeed -- Any but the closest scrutiny reveals only:
two communists, a fascist, and a clown-car full of also-rans.
But all I can think of at the moment, is the fact that I’ve paid quite a bit too much for admission to this circus… and no matter who “wins”, I stand quite certain that the “No Refunds” sign will remain exactly where it has been posted for the last hundred years.
Nevada “sin city” very appropriate.
Even if you don’t like Trump, you have to admit that those two ladies are delightful!