I’ve never seen this clip before. Trump fired a guy on the Apprentice for calling himself white trash. The man doesn’t have a racist bone in his body and he doesn’t like it when anyone puts themselves down for their race. Absolutely based. pic.twitter.com/xuXUUOkeZi
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) November 9, 2024
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i am white trash. ( to many)
i am a red neck. ( to many)
i am uneducated. (to many)
i am a hill Billy. (to many)
i am the lowest of the low, i am nothing, i am nobody. i embrace sackcloth while the world seeks out more.
You going to fire me?
i have valuable points and thoughts and make contributions even though i have not built a space ship or erected a casino, i do not try to blow my own trumpet, nor do i wish others to do so.
i say these things not for myself.
do you understand?
i have self esteem and self worth but not the ego, the pride. (working on it.)
I x 10
little i , i try to keep it that way. when i comment from work it is with a notepad and i regret not knowing how to make it stop correcting to Capital I
You have a Blessed day.
Does it disturb you yet what he may become? What are the religious “leaders” filling his head with? What are people telling him? How did that go last time, and what religious leaders then was he taking guidance from?
While i know the following will infuriate many i must express these things. These are all things we should be at least aware of.
Pay careful attn. at the 23 min mark. “Many people have told me that God spared my life for a reason. And that reason was to save our country, and to restore our country to greatness, and now we are going to fulfill that mission together, were going to fulfil that mission, the task before us will not be easy, but I will bring every ounce of energy, spirit, and fight that I have in my soul, to the job that you’ve entrusted to me, this is a great job”,rattle, rattle, rattle…….” This is the most important job in the ‘world,” …rattle, rattle..”We had a great first term” I will govern by a simple motto,: “Promises made promises kept.” ” were going to keep our promises.” ” Nothing will keep me from keeping my word to you the people, we will make america safe, strong, prosperous, powerful, and free again, and i am asking every citizen across our land, to join me in this noble and righteous endeavor , ‘that’s what it is,’ rattle rattle rattle, success is going to bring us together
People have told him! Not God! There is a lot to un- pack there with what he has said, but not at this time, i have said enough. my point, do not let your guard down, full armour of God, use His discernment in all situations, all story lines, all events.
How long now have we ( many of us called for a return to God, come out of her My people? His people! Have we? What does your gut say, how are we treating each other now as compared to ten years ago? Have we Truly’ repented as this most popular scripture says? we have been passing this scripture around for many years. Is what Trump is promising possible at this time, or will it be very short lived? These are things we should ask ourselves and each other. i go to a Higher power with all these things, i am happy, i am grateful, i am at peace, much of the time,, yet yes i am also at war, and full of passion and i pray His righteous anger.
Trump is human.
The mercy you ask for should be applied to Trump.
Mercy? i will give him a chance i voted for him.
This is my personal observation concerning churches in my area. They teach that we are filthy rags that are and will always be sinful. Only the salvation of accepting Jesus Christ will save your soul.
I read the Bible which teaches us to worship our Lord, spread the Gospel and strive to become more Christlike (among many other teachings). A life filled with God’s love and blessings should be joyous. I have been to hundreds of sermons and services and can count on two hands the times where I left and felt uplifted.
We can help and uplift others or we can allow ourselves to think poorly of ourselves. The latter path leads to despair, hopelessness and loneliness. No one wants to be around negative people with low self esteem. Trump was absolutely correct to fire him before his attitude spread throughout the other people.
The guy in the video the reality show,, Do you gather he thought poorly of himself? that is not what i gathered in that 53 second clip. Trump did not let him explain, Trump cut him off.
Amazing how we can cast judgement so quickly in this modern tech age.
we can agree to disagree, correct?
I ran a successful business for 36 years before turning it over to my son. My biggest problem was employees. I will guarantee you that nothing disrupts the office as one person with a bad or poor attitude.
Trump did give him chance to clarify what he meant. I saw a man with low self-esteem who could not explain what his statement meant. I have had to fire many people but the first is the hardest. And he was a black man whom I had known personally and professionally before I hired him. He made the office a living Hell as the business grew with more employees. As I fired more people, it did become easier because I gave them opportunities, direction and several chances as our employee manual outlined. It was not about me and my “feelings”; it was about ensuring the welfare of both the business and my other employees.
i understand that scenario as you describe it and do agree. Obviously you struggled in making this decision, good you truly care about people. Many do not, people have become disposable.
Here is a little bit about what some of us little guys are witnessing. and i embrace and like being the little guy.
A trend i am witness too. every body goes along to get along, no speaking up, or out, no confrontation, paste on that smile , sunshine and lollypops all around, drink the kool aid. We never discuss until its to late, people get fired, we never sought to actually confront the real problem and fix it. we chose to ignore it until it festered and became infected! They send people to Disney world (literally) to get their minds right, and come back with the correct power point attitude. i am not making this up! i see good people let go or Quit because of this also.
Don’t drink the Koolaid is a motto some of us Individuals still retain.
I’m not sure given the woke issues of Disney I’d hold them up as a good example.
i agree.
Trump shows how arrogant he is, he calls the guy stupid, he does not listen to the guy who is joking, smiling and laughing, TRUMP knows best, Trump knows all!!!!
Perhaps Trump is the guy with the bad attitude? Ahh but he is rich! He is wealthy and he is promising to spread this worldly wealth so we must not show any concern , we must fall in line? Is that what you want?
Going Galt should be more than just that!
Yes this is the guy many of us voted for, he may be the guy many of us have been warned about? Keep your eyes open is all we are saying.
God valued us enough to live in our shoes, suffer and die for us. Then rose again to give us hope.
But as you said churches often remind us our righteousness is but filthy rags.
Before toilet paper rags were used.
The analogy in the Bible to filthy rags refers to a woman’s period.
I’ll ask where in scripture you learned that.
Either way our righteousness is as filthy rag and with His gift NEVER EARNED we are saved.
In my concordance notes for Isaiah 64:6. NIV
As i’m not at home and limited to phone I cannot look it up in my concordance. So interesting but almost the same “icky ” so we essentially agree that our righteousness is worthless before God.
Couldn’t agree more and well said. That childhood song “this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine” comes to mind. Most of society is trying to dim others “candlelight” of positivity since theirs went out long ago and they can’t stand to see others have which they didn’t have the strength to keep. It’s our job to uplift others around us. Those of us who get knocked down by life, stand by them while they get back up off their knees. Obviously I’m not perfect but when I’m having a bad day I keep to myself because I don’t wanna spread that negative sheatt on others.
“I have been to hundreds of sermons and services and can count on two hands the times where I left and felt uplifted.”
Think of the assembly as a hospital. Many people come to feel better. But sometimes the news is news is not always good. we are to seek our comfort in and through Him. His Temple, His Church is within us.
Some of us embrace it and we are happy to oblige. Remember being called Bible thumping gun owning…
Covid Was a Wake up call, I heard Loud And Clear. What does the Bible tell us of partiality? When are we going to live it?Special rewards, special parking, special discounts for whom, “the Heroes?” i thought we were all in this “together?”
Who did they tell us the Heroes Were? Why? Were any of us that still showed up to work and made our way through that debacle less important? we ignored the fear mongering, knowing what it was, instinctually and still shopped in the places that would have us, still participated in what society was left.
Keeping it simple, Kiss,
Humorous side