DON’T SHED ON ME: The covid “vaccinated” are a health threat to the unvaccinated, warns Dr. McCullough

(Natural News) Is it possible as an unvaccinated person to become contaminated with covid chemicals through exposure to others who have been jabbed? The answer is yes, according to Dr. Peter McCullough.

In a recent interview with Action Canada’s Tanya Gaw, McCullough discussed the risks that covid “vaccinated” people pose to the “unvaccinated.” In a nutshell, he likened the situation to non-smokers inhaling the second-hand smoke of smokers.

Citing a paper recently published in the TMR journal Infectious Diseases Research, McCullough shared details about how messenger RNA (mRNA) can transfer from the fully jabbed to the unjabbed since these chemicals persist in the blood for at least two weeks – and likely much longer – post-injection.

Another study recently published found that mRNA remains in the lymph nodes of the fully jabbed for months, which further backs McCullough’s claims. There is also another recent medical study that McCullough called the “most disturbing” that shows mRNA poisons can transfer from breast milk to babies.

“It seems the body can’t clear it,” McCullough stated soberly. (Related: McCullough faces losing his medical license for breaking the script on covid.)

Do mRNA poisons stay in the body permanently? McCullough thinks so

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

Article on RedState this morning. New Zealand Court compels family of 4 mo old baby to take vaxxed blood. The baby has a serious illness and needs a transfusion, the parents wanted unvaxxed only blood. The court ruled against the parents.
It will come here. My mom and I share the same blood type, are both unvaxxed, and are the only donors we will use. Everyone needs to adopt something similar, or face the consequences.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Stuff I’ve read -- Glutathione.

if it can’t be cleared from the body then why the quarterly or annual jab jab? Boosters? At what point would toxic build up be noticeable?

2 years ago

This is a fact!
I am living proof… I’ve been fine for a long time without ever wearing mask or any clot shots, now I’m dating again and the last two girls I dated had full vax and boosters. So now I’ve felt stuffy, my sinuses are bad and an itchy throat ever since kissing on them. Going on month 2 of sinus issues and decided to look for other smarter gals

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

And to make matters worse, the mad scientists are working on a vax that if they inject 5% of the people, the vax spreads to about 90% of the population. Vax without permission. You can’t turn it down. It finds you. Not to mention what’s in the GMO food.

2 years ago

Okay, I suppose that I will be the first to say it. This article would seem to add an entirely new dimension to “Get your cooties off me!”