Doug Hagmann: Intelligence insider speaks on the record about false flags & government lies

Our nation and all of humanity stands at a critical crossroads in history, with Syria as the epicenter of a looming global conflict that will leave no one untouched. Despite a nearly unanimous consensus of the American people against military action in Syria, elements of our government are determined to override the will of the people and push us headlong into war in Syria, which will lead to a much greater conflagration than most are willing to believe or imagine.

As I have extensively written over the last 12 months, we are being pushed into World War III. This war, like others in the past, is based on lies and “false flag” operations, some of which have occurred, some thwarted, and others that loom just over the horizon.

Regular readers of my columns and listeners to my talk show know that the information I’ve provided about Syria and Benghazi has not only been proven accurate, but provided months in advance of the reports by the corporate media and even most conservative talk show hosts. I mention this not for self-aggrandizement, but to validate the credibility and authenticity of my “intelligence insider” who has provided me with this information. He has beenextremely accurate on every aspect of what is taking place behind the veil of lies packaged for Western consumption. For the first time ever, this insider has agreed to speak on the record in an exclusive 90-minute interview about what is really taking place behind the curtain of lies and deception.

Despite the risks, he has agreed to lend his voice to the growing opposition to the madness we see taking place at the highest levels of our government, and tell us exactly what appears to be playing out in real-time. The Western-backed uprising in Syria has claimed the lives of around 150,000 men, women and children, and displaced some five million people. If permitted to continue, some estimate the deaths of four million people in Syria alone, with death spread on a wholesale level across the globe. And it’s being done in your name.


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