Dr. David Martin: Treasonous Acts

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Dan Duncan
Dan Duncan
3 years ago

Bring it. Thank you. A long time coming.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Duncan

Dr. David Martin is one awesome soul who knows sorcery when he sees it:https://sumofthyword.com/2021/02/02/pure-from-the-blood-of-all-men/

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

I read through the entire executive order. The sentence(in red) you claim was in the order WAS NOT IN THERE. I was suspect when you were citing the EO but, not actually showing it, you simply cut and pasted DJT signature on your slide… You also claimed that the EO mandated that the toxin be released on the public. THIS ALSO IS NOT IN THE EO. This is BS if you think people aren’t going to actually look at the EO. I encourage everyone to look at it for themselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Holly Harmon

I searched the EO…you are correct ..nothing in that whole section in it..but using those words in a search brought up the source:…
Testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
possibly an error on DM’s part? Pretty big one though…
We all need to be cautious when its obvious that we are being turned against each other.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Duncan

There’s no difference between Big Pharma enticing or scaring people into taking these killer shots and a Nazi guard trying to calm down prisoners so they will go into a gas chambers to get “de-liced”.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hank

Except that they really were de-licing showers. Better to cite a real crime such as the Jewish massacres of tens of millions of Russians and Chinese and their massacre of 1.8 million Armenians.

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago
Reply to  Tony

I read through the entire executive order. The sentence(in red) you claim was in the order WAS NOT IN THERE. I was suspect when you were citing the EO but, not actually showing it, you simply cut and pasted DJT signature on your slide… You also claimed that the EO mandated that the toxin be released on the public. THIS ALSO IS NOT IN THE EO. This is BS if you think people aren’t going to actually look at the EO. I encourage everyone to look at it for themselves.

Christine Caudill
Christine Caudill
3 years ago
Reply to  Tony

Thsnk you got posting this fa ct.

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago
Reply to  Hank

I read through the entire executive order. The sentence(in red) you claim was in the order WAS NOT IN THERE. I was suspect when you were citing the EO but, not actually showing it, you simply cut and pasted DJT signature on your slide… You also claimed that the EO mandated that the toxin be released on the public. THIS ALSO IS NOT IN THE EO. This is BS if you think people aren’t going to actually look at the EO. I encourage everyone to look at it for themselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Hank

Those people here have no idea what Hitler was attempting to do. If he had won, we certainly wouldn’t be experiencing the issues humanity is today.

Christine Caudill
Christine Caudill
3 years ago
Reply to  KlA

U got that right.

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago
Reply to  Dan Duncan

I read through the entire executive order. The sentence (in red) he claims was in the EO WAS NOT IN THERE. He also says the the EO mandates that the toxin be released on the public. THIS IS A LIE. Look at the EO.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago


NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago

Wow what a great find. Shame nothing will happen. Eventually they will release something that will kill everyone but the “elites” and we will DO NOTHING to stop it.

NC Rob
NC Rob
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

The only issue I have with what he is saying (and I know he can’t say this) is that the Big Club will never take responsibility. It would be like asking the mafia to police itself and turn in the ones that commit crimes.

Folks, there is only one way out of the “human extinction event” that is currently happening.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
3 years ago
Reply to  NC Rob

That’s YOUR opinion!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I know that is said over and over but we need rise and water the tree of liberty with the blood of these tyrants. Nothing less will do, every last one needs to be dead.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Organize it Tom… or have a buddy do that, just let us know!
Kinda sick of talking about it, at this point we are all barking same tune. Unfortunately, nobody is willing to bite though.
So, The invisible enemy lives on bc we are NOTHING like our Founder’s

3 years ago

This is a must watch and listen
Listen at least 5 times
Take notes
This is your chance to take the stand 🇺🇸
Are you capable?

3 years ago

I have sent the video to a legislator requesting UNC be shut down ASAP until further notice. UNC received an exemption from the gain of function moratorium. Until we stand together on this America will not move forward.

3 years ago

As long as you live in a psychopathocracy under ‘mask of sanity’ of “democracy”, the law does not apply to psychopaths or their projects.
All the amendments etc. in the whole wide world will not help you.
Psychopaths (in common collusion) never pay their due for their acts = done without conscience. Remember Dresden.
They experience some kind of diabolical lust and high, misusing state power TO GET AWAY SCOT FREE.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Onno

KEY word in your message -- d i a b o l i c a l. Do not doubt that…in collusion with human representatives.

3 years ago

Where can a fellow capture this video presentation?

Rollo Tommasi
Rollo Tommasi
3 years ago
Reply to  oldtimer505

Copy this into the address field of your browser:
You then have the option to download it.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
3 years ago

Why not send this to Tucker Carlson? Bet he would not touch this and/or Fox News would not allow it.

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago

Read the EO. What he claims is in there IS NOT IN THERE. He is lying.

3 years ago
Reply to  Holly Harmon

Then give us the link to the EO and quit saying the same thing over and over again.

3 years ago
Reply to  Holly Harmon

This page goes into detail on how the claim is not in the EO.

Lachesis Atropos
Lachesis Atropos
3 years ago


strider 777
3 years ago

God bless DR. Martin. I intend to support him in every way I can.

Fauci should be immediately arrested, put on trial for premeditated murder, found guilty as charged and hung by the neck until dead, as of yesterday.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

It seems to me The Fowch has already been on trial for premeditated murder, and found guilty, even if not according to rule of law (which is questionable in its effects right now). Proceed as indicated, I say.

strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

Aye, understood. The chances that he will be arrested are slim and none; and unfortunately, slim left town yesterday.

rick hurley
rick hurley
3 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

the correct term is “hanged”

Jack Howison
Jack Howison
3 years ago

WOW…..JUST WOW…..Dr. Martin is spot on and if he had an international platform (NON-CORRUPT MEDIA) this garbage would be over yesterday!! May justice come swiftly and a BIG THANK YOU to Dr. Martin and Clay Clark!!

Aracelis M Williams
Aracelis M Williams
3 years ago
Reply to  Jack Howison

I remember seeing this early in the plandemic and was so overwhelmed with all of this . There are too many dots connecting now!

3 years ago


3 years ago
Reply to  Mona

Absolutely…high level military is NWO run…there is the shadow military like shadow government sadly. Nowhere to run and hide from the banking cartel.

3 years ago

We, the Human race, have been captured by a soulless species, but let us not be conquered by THEM:

seth rich
seth rich
3 years ago

So true about Rand Paul and the rest of them. All they do is pose and nothing happens. On the other hand, the libs/marxists go for the kill each and every time.

Gertjan Zwiggelaar
Gertjan Zwiggelaar
3 years ago

TRUMP’S ISLAND By Gertjan Zwiggelaar Allegedly Donald J. Trumpenstein is building a fortress on an island off the east coast of Hispaniola; an island made famous during the Caribbean pirate era. Today you know this legendary place as the Dominican Republic and Haiti; once one of the wealthiest places on earth until the negroes took it over and turned it into a typical negro shit hole. The island fortress is off the south east coast of the republic. The question is, why is he doing this? Let’s first begin with saying that D.J. Trump is a Jew. He has been photographed wearing a WHITE kippah, also known as a yarmulka. The White Pope wears such a white beanie as well. The Entity of which Trump is a tentacle plans long in advance and since it controls everything, especially publishing and the main scream jew’s media, it created D.J. Trump; billionaire Jew Yohk real estate developer and quintessential flim flam man. It even came up with a little book recently supposedly published early in the 20th Century about a little boy named Baron Trump with an illustration of him which resembles D.J.Trump’s youngest son to a T. Indeed, the Entity is known for rewriting history to make it look like prophecies have come true. Another case in point is a scene in an episode of the infamous Simpsons which was enacted by D.J. some years later on an escalator in a shopping mall. They’re all in on it. Isn’t that obvious? D.J. Trump is surrounded by Jews. Indeed his daughter Ivanka had a nose job and other plastic surgeries to hide her Khazarian features to look more like an Aryan. Indeed, many Jews change something about themselves, often time it’s just the surname but Jews are devious as you know. Ivanka is married to an über Jew who owns a building numbered 666. Jews love to rub our faces in it that they worship Lucifer, but since the Entity created Christianity and the Public Fool System, it has human beings considerably dumbed down and sheepified so they don’t recognize the obvious unless an authority figure with a Ph.D. legitimizes the observations. Many Ph.D.s are disinformation spreaders, camp followers, or academic narcissists, present company excepted, of course. I said ‘many’ not ‘most’. I have a high regard for people who have worked hard to earn that lofty academic prize. I am eying one myself. Anyway, to continue the story as to why is Trump building an off shore fortress. It is because he knows what is coming. All hell is about to break loose in the Jew S A. And a lot of anger will be directed at him by his followers. Please let me finish to the end so you will see for yourself what I am attempting to point out. The Scamdemic which I call the Covidocaust has been long in the planning. The agenda is to cull the goyim herd as per revelations carved into granite in Georgia. The master plan involves D.J. Trump presented to the world as the anti politician; the successful billionaire business man who did not even take a salary to sit in the Awful Orfice; er, the Oval Office. How good of him. And millions have bought it because of the massive opposition in the Main Scream Jews and from the Demon rats directed at Trump. Many ask the question why do they hate him so when he is the ‘Greatest President The USA Has Ever Had.’ TM The people love the glamorous wife who allegedly attended an all boys school in her eastern European country, they admire the Trump Tower, the airplanes, golden taps and showers, golf courses, hotels, Tell Lie Vision programming… MAGA… All of it. Trump bedazzled millions; the glorious orange saviour; The Second Coming of Christ… I remember how D.J. Trump played the evil Clintons game before his election then, when he’s having dinner with them and many other criminals at the inauguration banquet, suddenly the Clintons are ‘good people’ even though it was already common knowledge that those two creatures are demonic entities deserving of a slow session in rope therapy. After the election, D.J. Trump ‘worked hard’ to Make America Great Again. He often worked very hard on golf courses; not much different from the homosexual Muslim street negro before him. Whilst D.J. Trump was working hard, two California towns were vaporized with DEWs and he never mentioned it or suggested something be done about the mass murder and destruction of valuable property. He also has never talked about the deliberate destruction of prime agricultural lands with HAARP control of weather off the west coast. No, Trump talks a lot about himself and how great he is but over all, the course which was set has been continued; The Road to Armaggedon. Once Pedo Joe slips on a banana peel and falls down a sewer hole or is finally arrested for being a disgusting sexual deviant and a career mediocrity and Ho Harris is pushed off a cliff or follows Demented Joe to jail for sedition and treason, D.J. Trumpenstein will be brought back, like Christ on his ass with palm fronds and trumpets blaring to proclaim, ‘It’s Okay to Take the Vax’ and millions more will Obey and many more will die or become Zombies owned by the International Parasite and operated like living robots on the new prison plantation called Planet Earth. Those who remain alive and finally know the real story will want to take Mister Trump to a wood chipper. That is why a fortress on an island is the only place where Donald can run when the shit hits the fan and we’ll be in the Jew World Odour, (sic). Gertjan Zwiggelaar 08/05/21

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago

This is a psychotic rant. Completely delusional. I can’t figure out why my comment is below this one as my comment was a reply to an entirely different comment. Maybe it’s the fact that I call out the fact that David Martin’s video makes statements and highlights sentences that are supposedly in the EO and they are not in there. I read it for myself. They buried my comment below this nut job. Nice

Holly Harmon
Holly Harmon
3 years ago

I read through the entire executive order. The sentence(in red) you claim was in the order WAS NOT IN THERE. I was suspect when you were citing the EO but, not actually showing it, you simply cut and pasted DJT signature on your slide… You also claimed that the EO mandated that the toxin be released on the public. THIS ALSO IS NOT IN THE EO. This is BS if you think people aren’t going to actually look at the EO. I encourage everyone to look at it for themselves.

3 years ago
Reply to  Holly Harmon

Send the link and prove yourself

3 years ago
Reply to  Tina

Take a look at this page. Trump’s EO does not contain what Martin is saying in the video. https://decodingsatan.blogspot.com/2021/10/trump-vaccine-presidential-order-po.html

3 years ago

Take a look at this page. Trump’s EO does not contain what Martin is saying in the video. https://decodingsatan.blogspot.com/2021/10/trump-vaccine-presidential-order-po.html

Howard T. Lewis III
Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago

Heroes recognize heroes. Children look up to heroes. Cockroaches and cowards talk stink about heroes behind their backs. This Dr. David Martin guy does fine with me. America NEEDS TO TURN OFF THEIR CFR programmed television sets and CUT THE CORD. No valor, no hope in television.

Last edited 3 years ago by Howard T. Lewis III
3 years ago

How to view it full screen?

3 years ago
Reply to  rs11
3 years ago

The kind of guy Trump needs when back in the White House.

3 years ago

Thank you god bless you for telling everybody who is listening


[…] Vid: Dr. David Martin: Treasonous Acts […]