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tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

Dr. Mengele is now stepping up to defend tramp, I am sure they will be out golfing soon.

kevin s
kevin s
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Jessie Venture said once, politics was just like pro wrestling in the ring the opponents hate each others guts but back in the locker room their the best of buddies. I would say that is a perfect example.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
3 years ago

They are holding a gun to our head to get jabbed and Trump says if we don’t take it we “are playing into their hands.” He’s one of them and has been playing 5D chess against us the entire time. Now many of his picks like Chris Wray make perfect sense.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tim Bo

He is saying that for political reasons….only. He has to play their game to a certain extent. He knows that we that know better will not take the vaxxes in the first place.
Plus the man is not perfect, but he can generate the votes and get our country back on track. That’s my main concern!

Richard Cancemi
Richard Cancemi
3 years ago
Reply to  Zeda

Will he???

3 years ago

This was an excellent informative video. Be sure to listen to it to the end. I just finished it, came here and behold it was posted on this site. I am going to listen again. Dr. Martin is listed in the RFK book: The Real Anthony Fauci.

3 years ago

Our “Benedict Arnold” Trumpian moment? Arnold had been quite a Patriot and successful battlefield general prior to his betrayal. At least there was a George Washington to continue to lead and carry on. In our situation it is the opposite scenario.
Will Gen. Nathaniel Greene please stand up? Soon?

3 years ago

Most in leadership are over 65.

Mountain man
Mountain man
3 years ago

Here is how to contact President Trump or his wife. Write him as I have done. He was taken in by Jim Comey and many others including Fauci. Could we have done better ?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Mountain man

It’s show time, he was friends with slick willy and hildabeast and most of the commie left. The stage was all set for his entrance, he played and is playing his part. He seems to be fading fast with his continued support of the kill shot.

Mountain man
Mountain man
3 years ago

Here is the LINK to contact President Trump.

3 years ago

Two terrific men today, with a difficult message to relate! 2022 will be many times more difficult that 2020, and many times more difficult than 2021 ~ but the majority of people are still planning on NORMALCY. SORRY PEOPLE BUT NORMALCY WAS LOST A COUPLE YEARS AGO NOW. SORRY! I frankly cannot think of any family member or friend of mine that I can even mention this discussion to, let alone discuss it. It will be dark Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! AND THAT IS ALL THERE IS TO IT! SELAH!

Last edited 3 years ago by Splish_Splash
3 years ago

What this ass-hat is describing is MURDER. He calls killing people recless & unfortunate but necessary to save the asses of a bunch of psychopaths sitting at the top of the pyramid. Wake up, they are telling us how they are murdering us, our children and grandchildren.
Other than his slimy way of covering the asses of the elite, this is an excellent and informative video.

Last edited 3 years ago by CharlieWiskey
3 years ago

Because he is involved. He is a globalist

3 years ago

The end brought tears to my eyes too. Light prevails over darkness! We are not alone in the struggle against dark forces waging war on human race. Sending this to those I care about. Praying they have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago

Nice, but it strikes me as wishful thinking and naive word salad from Dr. Martin. I do really like the fellow, though.

Mae Bee
Mae Bee
3 years ago
Reply to  Mae Bee

Dr. Martin, that is.

Mountain man
Mountain man
3 years ago

The initial part of the David Martin interview sounded like a slick attack ad against President Trump. Mr. Martin went on to imply that Trump wanted older folks dead so that social security could servive by having less people to pay. First of all , our country has been bankrupt for along time by deficient spending created by people in both parties who want to bring it down and start wars to decrease the world’s population as directed on the Georgia Guide stones. These super rich followers of Lucifer control most of the media and events happening in the world now. It is written in the Bible, as some of you must know. Trump promoted Merry Christmas again and they hate him and all Christians. He is far from perfect and so are we , and he has been attacked and sued in court and abused by these controllers,like no one ever in my lifetime. He loves our country, he is smart and tough, but I would have given up and you would have also.While in office, President Trump spoke out and protected the 2nd Amendment
2. He greatly supported the troops and the Veterans care
3. He built miles of southern wall despite Democrat opposition
4. He lowered taxes and enforced tariffs which help our steel and other industries
5. He heavily supported the development of American oil and gas production
6. He forced foreign countries to pay their fair share of the N.A.T.O. Treaty group
7. He forced foreign countries to pay for the protection that we had been providing for decades.
8. lower gas prices and no screaming high inflation we have today
9. He put America first and none of this wook stuff forced on our military now
10. He was the most attacked by traitors in Govt.,including the F.B.I. traitors
11. He recovered from Covid and felt a vaccine was a good idea, but the evil ones tricked him with the “kill shot”, which he took himself inicently.
12. He was taken in by all the lies from the New York Governor and others, while being sued by many government and state attornies.
13. I can not imagine how he withstood so much and with evil turn coat (advisors all around government.
I do not believe in the “kill” shots, and have written Trump about this., but I hope he can get back in office , because our country is going down fast, and our dollar could be devalued soon and the stock market will crash,etc.. Pray, pray for God’s help. Mountain man

Timothy E Tucker
Timothy E Tucker
3 years ago
Reply to  Mountain man

Wake Up! The corporate government is the enemy to the American People. It makes little difference who is “in office”. The fact that our country is going down fast is the plan they have for us. As you can see, Trump’s four years made little difference to the overall plan, they just double down and over reach. Soon, they will be hunting down dissenters in the streets. There’s no voting our way out of this. The last presidential election proved my point. President Trump is a billionaire, he knows how this society works, I thank him for his good service, but I hold him responsible for his inaction from 6 January to 20 January, 2020. Many of the The Patriots he incited to peaceably march on the capitol are still being held without trial to this day, and here we sit punching on our keyboards.

Timothy E Tucker
Timothy E Tucker
3 years ago

Can’t find how to edit the date I mentioned. Should be 2021 I think. Help me out here, I’m under the weather ;-{ )>

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago

Thank you for the video. Who in the House or the Senate is demanding the arrest of Fauci? Rand Paul is the only one that I know of. Why are the members in congress not demanding his arrest? The reason is simple, because all members of congress are corrupt to their core. Also employees of the government are corrupt as well. All board members of the fortune 500 companies are all pull pullers and traitors as well. Unfortunately, the ovine people still hope that things will return to normal.
Who is John Galt?

gail jansen
gail jansen
3 years ago

Dr. Martin has been a wonderful find during this ugly process. Again, if Martin’s explanation of Trump’s decisions id accurate, and I believe it is, then Trump is not presidential material. We must turn our attention to potential candidates other than Trump even if Trump wants to run. Trump needs to be shut down. The people pushing the V need to be sued individually in every instance until doctors, administrators and Nurse Practitioners know that they are not immune from their part in this atrocity. Also, Obama made it clear in the introduction of the Obama Care Pogrom, that he had no concern for the lives of the ‘elderly’, meaning over 65. Believe me, seniors are keenly aware that we are extremely vulnerable if we get sick and can’t get well at home. Either we radically clean house ourselves or we are finished, kaput, going to dead, captives or slaves. Trump is no hope. Martin is right in every word out of his mouth, especially concerning the depth of misery we have and are suffering because of the drugs, legal and illegal.