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Justanass Turdeau
Justanass Turdeau
3 years ago

Fauci et al are TRAITORS to mankind and all of them involved in this should be legally tried, found guilty and then publicly hanged!

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

No trials, every politician in dc has the info on the kill shot guilty as charged.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Correct 💯

Ken Smith
Ken Smith
3 years ago

I think this is probably a fake video; if it is a true and accurate, unedited video, why in a period of 4 years hasn’t it been widely distributed? This would be very valuable information to share. I think ncrenegade received a copy and opted to recommend wide viewership without verifying first. Bad on him. Despite hours of trying to validate its authenticity this morning, I have not been able to do so. I think this is simply some nefarious person’s attempt at “photo shopping” something together and distributing it to see how many people would believe it and re-distribute it. Whoever did it, thanks for wasting my time this morning.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Ken Smith

Just who do think would stop publication? The government MSM and the treasunous rats that now control our government. NCRenegade has put there ass on the the line to restore our Republic. Maybe you should return to MSM for your verification.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ken Smith

Yeah, Ken, it’s phake. Everything we’ve seen and heard over the past almost 2 years is phake. Hmmm, come to think of it, over the past 2 decades. Go ahead and get your jab so you can enjoy life to the phullist. Oh…and good luck. And remember, “We’re all pullin’ for ya.”

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

There have been other instances of the Fauci videos being published in the past. I guess they didn’t get spread very far.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
3 years ago

This has been obvious all along. The virus and vaccine were simply too well timed—right at the election and a booming economy. And yet, the greatest mystery in the history of mysteries is why millions of Americans still buy into this bullshit. So much so that they are still willing (no, eager) to rush to get injected with an experimental, untested “something” which is being designed and administered by gale force liars. I may die in a hale of federal bullets…but I will never succumb to this jab. So help me God.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

I may die in a hale of federal bullets…but I will never succumb to this jab. So help me God.” My thoughts exactly!

3 years ago

I can handle unanswered questions. But I will never accept answers that cannot be questioned.

enn ess
enn ess
3 years ago
Reply to  Rasputin14

That is what “Science” is all about. Question everything. When all answers point in one direction, the question should always be; How Can This Be?
That boys and girls, in my opinion, is the crux of life. The constant search for answers.
I have faith that there is a God, but always say, How Can This Be! Of all that is known, there is so little known about the universe and how it works, much of it has to be taken on faith, until it’s proven one way or the other.
The more I learn the more I realize how little I know.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

A good majority of scientist admitted that there has to be a creative intelligence. This was back in the 90’s now you will not get a consensus on that.

strider 777
strider 777
3 years ago

After listening to countless interviews of medical and scientific experts, and after reading scores of articles written by the same, I have come to one conclusion: the entire so-called viral pandemic and so-called vaccine solution was planned and engineered, far in advance, to exterminate as many human beings as possible, on a global scale, while giving false justification for the establishment of a world-wide, “New World Order,” totalitarian government. For everyone who manages to survive their initial “kill shot”, they will be now be controlled by their need for never-ending “booster shots” and constant medical care, in order to keep them alive, due to the destruction of their natural immune system’s ability to fight off any new variants as well as their diminished immune system’s ability to fight off many other common diseases such as cancer. Everyone who has taken the initial “kill shot” has a ticking time bomb implanted in them. Their immune systems are now being slowly and systematically destroyed. Don’t take the shot. Don’t take the “mark.” Don’t be fooled!