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Excellent physician. She nails it!
Like any of that board heard a word she said -- public schools are indoctrination centers nothing more. Better a group go to board members homes and explain it to them there…
I went to my local school board discussing masking a week or so ago.
It was, as an estimate, 10 to 1 against mandatory masking. These people knew they were going to impose it before they even had the public in.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable”. — JFK Jr.
These people (like the ones on the school board) don’t listen. It’s to the point where the only thing that is going to make people stop and listen seriously is pain and force. We’ve reached this place bc they don’t respect what other people have to say; like they’re above us and anything we have to say is trivial and meaningless. So be it: they’re the ones pushing this to the next level. I bet if someone would’ve crossed that line they put up and smashed that guy on school board’s nose into his head he’d think twice next time before making certain decisions and talking down to someone. That’s where we’re at, bc of them, so that’s what we need to start doing. Polite respect isn’t working anymore so let’s go back to old school: If you don’t listen, you feel.
because it’s a cult.
I predict shoot & scoot urban sniping is going to become very popular soon enough.
video games of course, video games ..
reposted on gab.
I was worried when she started. Ive seen too many of these great rebuttals that start out doing good legwork and being factual, And yet somewhere in the middle, completely devolve into a rant about harrp and mind control and the lizard overlords or something even most good meaning conspiracy thinkers say WTF at… The stuff that is super fringe conspiracy, sneaked its way into something good, de-valueing the truth before it, and making them, and everything they said, appear cringeworthy… Until we can get our versions of occasional cortex medicated, Theres no hope as we will be perpetual cannon fodder. The right has turned the old saying of “‘shooting ones own foot” into an art form. Stop It! please
All great points and most underrated was that this is never ever going to be eradicated because it’s endemic and because of human to human and human to animal (animal reservoir) transmission. Like the doctor said, are we going to mask children for the rest of their lives or, alternatively, learn to live with it? We will never mask, lockdown, or vaccinate our way out of this. Same with TB and Ebola. Luckily, Covid has over 99.9% survivability rate and increasing.
The petty tyrants on the school board were sure anxious to cut the good Dr. off at the end of her 5 minutes….truth shines a light on these cockroaches. and they can’t have that. But the Doctor is absolutely correct the CDC’s edicts and “guidance” are not base in science…we know this because their own study, which they paid for said masks don’t work and hand washing offers marginal protection against viruses. So what does the CDC do, they ignore science and try peddling their guidance as science. After all they are the “Author-a-tie” you can’t question the “Author-a-tie.”
In PA, our tyrannical Governor Wolf has taken the decision out of the hands of school boards by requiring masks on all children K-12. This is probably happening in other states as well.
Everyone: organize with parents and students in your states to stay home on October count day. Schools will lose a lot of money in funding