Dr. Michael Yeadon: The Most Important Single Message I’ve Ever Written

by Dr. Mike Yeadon

Dear everyone, who is nervously looking around and is asking “What the hell is going on?”

I hope this isn’t too controversial. It’s certainly frightening, but I believe we are still on the right side of disaster & if enough of us become aware of what is happening here & everywhere in the democratic world, we can recover the situation. We really don’t have long. I believe it’s likely things will change irretrievably over this coming winter. Hence this urgent and unusual request.

Everything that’s happened and is happening becomes much simpler and it all makes sense, only when you force yourself to think the impossible.


Even if your immediate response is that this is absurd, please try it for a day or so.

I ask you further to adopt the experimental position that the media, controlled by just six global corporations, all allied to a single global organization you’ve all heard of, is relentlessly lying to you and has been doing so for over 2.5 years. Same for the internet, controlled by fewer global corporations, also all allied to that same global organization.

Because I am certain it’s true. I am certain because this all started with a scientific fraud relating to a virus, augmented it with a relentless campaign of fear, imposed measures known to be useless, which wrecked the economy and smashed civil society, then coerced most to accept useless, unnecessary, ineffective and deliberately dangerous injections. Obviously, this is an odious crime. Nothing like it has ever happened.

I’ve been 41 years in life sciences from training to successful biotech CEO and was worldwide research head and Vice President of Pfizer’s respiratory unit (1995-2011).

I have absolutely no incentive to say any of this if I wasn’t certain.

I am certain. This all took place “in my wheelhouse”, my domain of expertise.

Please consider what I’ve said.

’’I’ve given over 70 interviews, all censored. I’ve been foully smeared. It’s propaganda. It tells you what they’re capable of.

Here’s what Pfizer’s former board member wrote about my accomplishments: Turning Pfizer Discards Into Novartis Gold: The Story Of Ziarco

Do I sound like a fool?

Many have asked why people didn’t resist tyrants in the past. Partly it is fear. But it’s more than that. It’s that normal people, like you and me, simply cannot imagine being so evil. We trust in humanity. And so we should. Most people are good. Few are truly terrifyingly horrible. But some are. It’s the inability to believe it’s happening that really stopped people objecting when they should, when the evidence was unmistakable but had not yet quite reached their door, their family.

They are coming for you and your children. It is happening again. There’s ample evidence emerging of long-term, patient planning. I’m so sorry.

It’s now up to you. I genuinely don’t see what else I can do.

Best wishes & sincere thanks,

Dr. Michael Yeadon

Do NOT comply.


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2 years ago

and the majority of the awake still haven’t figured out it’s the jewish community and its sellout’s who are behind the entire thing.
Good luck saving the Republic without this all important detail

Last edited 2 years ago by jacknife
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

We need to do more than not comply.

2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

A lot more.


Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

Exactly what would you suggest? People have been raving about Florida and DeSantis. How did that turn out? They have bigger guns than us. Then when they use them like a manipulated hurricane, they blame us and our carbon footprints.

2 years ago

It’s the same old enemy…Communism. They’ve had the USA in the crosshairs forever. It’s a globalist entity and the UN is no small part of it. They are now or have they ever been our friend. At this point it really doesn’t matter who it only matter how. How so we help ourselves and our country???? I am encouraged by Italy’s decisions and hope many other countries follow suit. We need as many on the side of freedom as we can get. We are not updated on the countries that are fighting globalism. We would benefit by that knowledge.

2 years ago

Aside from the contention that “most people are good” it is a really great article.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

The Republic is dead and never coming back. Survive, resist, fight, out live them, out breed them. And start over from scratch. Multiple waves of adversity are coming. Decades, perhaps even generational waves of adversity. You can’t run and you can’t hide. Stand in the breach.

Mark Thompson
Mark Thompson
2 years ago

I have followed Yeadon since he became prominent during the vaccine expansion. He has often provided concrete and detailed information on specific medical items related to the extant situation. But I have never seen him reference the really big picture before, nor have I seen him come close to detailing the big picture (and all the big players) before this very essay.

Have I missed where he has done this before or where he has addressed the really big picture? I would certainly be interested in seeing such.

“the media, controlled by just six global corporations,” -- I’m sure I know these.

“Same for the internet, controlled by fewer global corporations, also all allied to that same global organization,” -- I’m sure I know these.

But, “all allied to a single global organization you’ve all heard of,” -- what is this? Has he addressed this before in detail? Not asking for speculation here or guesses; I’m asking whether or not Yeadon has mentioned this before or provided details.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mark Thompson
Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Thompson

World Economic Forum.