The soft coup attempt against the duly elected president of the United States is ongoing. The end of Mueller’s sham “investigation” simply means that America’s domestic enemies will switch gears and change direction, that’s all. The soft coup will continue apace.
It is not over. It is still happening. The Democrat Party, and the media, and all of these people from the Obama Administration who ran this scandal are still running it. …These people need to be politically defeated and pounded into the ground! …The very foundations of this country have been attacked and assaulted, and the people who know it in the main stream media are complicit in it…we are at a very, very dangerous point in the history of our nation.—Rush Limbaugh “Hannity”
“Politically defeated and pounded into the ground!” Can I hear an amen? In my opinion that is the only remedy that has a chance of working—pound the culprits into the ground so hard, so mercilessly, so thoroughly, that all that’s left is a faint residue of burnt ash. Drain the swamp, scorch the earth, salt the ground.
As Wayne Allyn Root writes “It’s time to turn the hunters into the hunted.” The atrocious un-American two-tiered justice system must be completely demolished, and justice handed out evenly, impartially, and swiftly. Freedom and the fate of America hang in the balance.
I agree.
I agree.