I just got word that apparently one of the contributors on this site has been arrested/detained over Facebook posts. The Police, FBI and Secret Service swarmed in and took Brandon Raub to John Randolph Metal Hospital. This patriotic Marine had posted 5 posts on the Dont-Tread-On.Me blog linked below. Just glancing over them they seem to be of the religious and patriotic fight for truth and justice. He used the blog to have people join his FaceBook group and even did and promoted a Richmond Liberty March.
He has been moved to Salem, a three hour drive from Richmond. The Government got an 80 year old retired judge to add 30 days to his detainment. It takes him farther away and makes it more difficult for his family to visit. Also, it makes an injunction much more difficult to obtain by his lawyer. Does this sound like the Soviet Union? It won’t take too many of these arrests to shut everyone up. Even the DTOM site suggests we delete FB and take a low profile. That is real fear! We should be doing just the opposite. Everyone should now start writing nonsense on FB and everywhere else, forcing their hand and making them try to arrest thousands, if not millions. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough true patriots who would stand and be willing to take the hit.