Dueling Declarations?

Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.

Pastor Shahram Hadian is out peddling a Declaration of Dependence on God. Now if you’ll recall Pastor Hadian was the person that was deadly afraid of me being allowed to speak at the Black Robe Regiment Summit/Elijah’s Remnant Conference. You see, Pastor Hadian had seen my speech on youtube when I first delivered the New Declaration of Independence. It was the reason that Pastor Richard May had invited me to speak at the event. Now it seems that Pastor Hadian has somehow found his $pine. Two years ago he was terrified that the Feds would come and shut down their church if I delivered my original speech, where I would include the New Declaration of Independence. Now he is out bragging about his new “Declaration” based on Covid tyranny. I wonder where he got the idea for this from?

I’m personally shocked that Pastor Matt Trewhella would even invite a person such as Hadian to speak at his church. At the 59 min mark in the video is where you can see Pastor Hadian begin to use his “Declaration” to start building his email list.

I’m just amazed at the fact that he is out peddling this watered down version of a “Declaration” when he was so fearful of me and tried his best to eliminate me from speaking at the BRR Event. Pastor Hadian is nothing but full of fear and grifting. I’m not sure Pastor Trewhella is aware of who he is interacting with, and I hope this article reaches him. This is not someone who you want to turn your pulpit over to. Pastor Hadian is not a Black Robe Regiment minister and he shouldn’t be out professing to be one. When he thought I was going to go ahead and deliver the New Declaration anyway, despite him telling me not to, he made his way towards the podium to shut me down if I began to deliver it. Unfortunately, I have been unable to locate the full video of the event as Patriot Church has removed it from their Facebook. When I was finished he takes the podium and warns those in attendance to be careful if they take a paper copy of my New Declaration because he was so fearful of his church being associated with it.

I’ve often been asked to start preaching. My answer is “I’m no preacher.” So far there isn’t many Pastors out there I’d like to be associated with. Pastor Hadian has just reinforced this for me. He has obvious potential as a public speaker and many of the right enemies. If only Pastor Hadian had as little fear of the US Government.

Here is a little excerpt from his Declaration of Dependence: The past is the past.

We can’t change the actions or lack of actions we may have taken before, but we recognize that we must repent for being deceived, unduly influenced, giving in to fear or obeying immoral, unconstitutional decrees by deceived or corrupt government officials.

We must commit to responding differently the next time around and rallying the troops of Christ to our future fight for truth and righteousness.

And for the support of this Declaration of Dependence, with a firm reliance on God’s Providence, Provision and Protection, we mutually pledge to honor Christ and offer ourselves as holy and living sacrifices, giving our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Reputation.

Here is what I’m calling on Pastor Hadian to do: repent for being deceived, unduly influenced, and giving into fear of my speech, The New Declaration of Independence.


Report on the Black Robe Regiment Summit

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1 year ago

Gets to the point of my gripe with religion, religion is of men, faith is of God, men are imperfect and corrupt whenever they say they are leaders, religious leaders especially in their fancy suits with their inflated egos.

i chose faith, i needs no man to tell me how i should think

1 year ago

Ain’t it funny how many people now say oops, let’s just forget everything and move on. They followed man, thereby helping further the evil govt in taking over and destroying people’s lives and being good little minions. The pastors failed to stand up to the tyranny and therefore whole communities followed suit. If we had churches throughout the world that said No, it would have been a shining example that would have spread, but instead the world saw “us” do as the world does. Again, not living as we should so now the wicked boot comes down harder still.

Repent and stand.