But of course! As the official court jester, VP Biden, proclaimed, “No ordinary American cares about their Constitutional rights.” (Video quote: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/22/Biden-No-Ordinary-American-Cares-About-Their-Constitutional-Rights-Facebook-Questions-are-Plants) As pathetic as it is for the VP of this once great country, the land formerly of the free and home of the brave, most Americans could give shit about the shredding of the Constitution and the implementation of totalitarian socialism (aka, fascism). Their chains are comfortable so long as the bread and circus environment is maintained — turn on the game and pass the beer and sausages, Mable…it’s the good life!
Iver Jacobsen
11 years ago
Are you asking this question about the dear leader, or about the citizens willing to give up their freedom?
But of course! As the official court jester, VP Biden, proclaimed, “No ordinary American cares about their Constitutional rights.” (Video quote: http://www.breitbart.com/Breitbart-TV/2013/02/22/Biden-No-Ordinary-American-Cares-About-Their-Constitutional-Rights-Facebook-Questions-are-Plants) As pathetic as it is for the VP of this once great country, the land formerly of the free and home of the brave, most Americans could give shit about the shredding of the Constitution and the implementation of totalitarian socialism (aka, fascism). Their chains are comfortable so long as the bread and circus environment is maintained — turn on the game and pass the beer and sausages, Mable…it’s the good life!
Are you asking this question about the dear leader, or about the citizens willing to give up their freedom?
After “associating” with 2000 Moral Monday protesters last night, I would say both. Especially the pastors and ministers leading the charge.
He films these at the Oceanside Pier in CA, by the way.