For the first time, scientists have produced a computer image showing huge sections of California rising and sinking around the San Andreas Fault.
The vertical movement is the result of seismic strain that will be ultimately released in a large earthquake.
The San Andreas Fault is California’s longest earthquake fault, and one of the state’s most dangerous. Scientists have long expected that parts of California are rising — and other parts sinking — around the fault in a way that is ongoing, very subtle and extremely slow.
Such vertical movement makes a lot of sense. California sits on the border of two gigantic tectonic plates — the Pacific and North American — that are constantly grinding past each other.
But actually observing how California’s landscape is rising and falling from seismic strain has been an elusive goal, until now.
I have believed for a long time that the LEFT COAST will suffer the leading edge of God’s judgement on U.S.
Most or many readers/bloggers of this forum are probably familiar with Billy Graham’s famous (and in my opinion) prophetic quote:
If God doesn’t punish America, He’ll have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Billy Graham
(Some say he got it from his sweet wife who is already home…waiting for him).
I learned a long time ago…before I surrendered my heart to Christ…My arms were too short to box with God.
I tremble when I think of all those “fools” on the LEFT COAST who believe in their hearts, and live their dew on the grass lives…like there is no God…and judgement is not per-ordained by Him.
This seismic fault line has been there a long time…but God is eternal and sees the end from the beginning.
We all have our own personal fault lines…far, far worse than the San Andreas when it comes to a Holy God…every single one of us (Romans 3:23) but I left mine at the foot of the cross…sparing me the death-quake judgement.
Can’t help but getting preachy after reading this scary omen.