Eat the Reich

An interesting weekend concerning respect for the president (lower case intentional) of the United States of America. The debate centers on respect of Obama versus respect for the office of the Presidency.  Pouring water over an Obama mask at the Raleigh Tea Party was considered to be an act of disrespect for the office of the President by some people or an act of disrespect for the man. Arguments could be made for both sides but let’s consider another viewpoint concerning respect.

If the current president shows an overt disrepect for the Constitution, Congress and the American people, does he deserve our respect? And what recourse is available to the people?

As pointed out by Hans in his Arrogance in Office article concerning the president’s assertion that he will not abide by Congressional legislation concerning his shadow government:

If the president does not veto the legislation yet clearly states that he will not abide by it, where is the “rule of law” ?

Several RINO friends criticized me for statements I made back in February: WWFMD ?   I think my attitude has been vindicated.

Given this sterling example of “leadership”, what reason do I have to feel compelled to obey any aspect of the law with which I disagree ?

I will stand up against tyranny under the first amendment and take it one step further. Anyone who restricts their actions for fear of offending the “office of the presidency”, I will refer you to the following statement from Sam Adams:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!”

I will not bow down to a man who:

1. Allows the attorney general of the United States to make racist comments and ignores instead of enforces the laws of our country. Arizona immigration and the New Black Panther voter intimidation cases.

2. Ignores the Constitution of the United States. The above example that he will not abide by Congressional legislation. Bypassing Congressional approval of the war in Libya.

3. Divides the country by attacking both the Tea Party and the Republican party in public and private.

4. Villifies the “rich” and “corporations” as being unpatriotic for not paying more taxes as half of the population pays no taxes in exchange for voting for tyranny.

I will let readers add more examples in the comments.

I say it is time to “Eat the Reich” instead of “Eat the Rich”.

David DeGerolamo

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13 years ago

I disrespect any US political office that disrespect the US Constitution. I speak as a free man and will not submit to anything that treads on it.

Lynn Childs
13 years ago

I agree with you and Randy. We the people--receive no respect from Obama and his administration--and America is not respected!

How much more will it take for people to get fed up? We are already there.

13 years ago

The Constitution is simply a hinderance to this con-man-in-chief. We heard all the lies, saw enough non-sense and shenanigans, and that was BEFORE the election that put him in the White House. We have long ago had enough of this guy’s shameful disrespect for our country and laws.

Nic Cols
Nic Cols
13 years ago

A president can actually decide not to enforce any law passsed by Congress if he chooses. It is one of the interesting side effects of the separation of powers. The Congress has only three levers against this: 1) defund his current programs or 2) stonewall future programs (negotiation strength) or 3) impeach him (politicial strength). The Republicans in Congress right now are not nearly strong enough to do any of these. Comrade O is not trembling in his boots over this one. Which leaves two others levers against this power 4) attack by the press (right, c’mon, that’s never gonna happen) or 5) jeopardize his re-election. Somehow I don’t think he’s trembling in his boots on this one, either. His re-election purse is prodigious, and there are still so many people who want him to succeed that they are willing to fool themselves into thinking he is the candidate of their dreams whereas he is the nightmare of America’s last days.