Ebola Twenty-one questions about Ebola: government propaganda, medical corruption and bioweapons experiments


Something’s fishy about the official stories we’re being told on Ebola. Things don’t add up, which is why I’m posing these twenty-one important questions we should all be considering:

#1) How can U.S. health authorities claim there is zero risk from Ebola patients being treated in U.S. hospitals when those same hospitals can’t control superbug infections? “Many hospitals are poorly prepared to contain any pathogen. That’s why at least 75,000 people a year die from hospital infections. If hospitals can’t stop common infections like MRSA, C. diff and VRE, they can’t handle Ebola.” – Fox News (1)

#2) Why should we trust the CDC’s handling of Ebola when the agency can’t even keep track of its anthrax, avian flu and smallpox samples?

#3) Why were Ebola victims transported to cities in the USA when they could be given state-of-the-art medical care overseas? “Now, they are bringing in highly infectious patients into this nation that is Ebola-free. In doing so, they are violating the primary rule of contagion: isolation.” – Radio host Michael Savage (2)

#4) Why is the company working on Ebola vaccines — Tekmira — receiving money from Monsanto and considers Monsanto to be one of its important business partners? (3)

#5) If Ebola is “not a threat” to U.S. citizens as government authorities keep claiming, then why did the U.S. Department of Defense spend $140 million on an Ebola-related contract with the Tekmira company?


h/t frLarousse2

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