ECB blames you for negative interest rates


Just after sunrise on April 19, 1775, a large contingent of British military troops arrived to the town of Lexington, Massachusetts.

They were under orders to search for and confiscate all weapons and munitions from the colonials– something the British army had done countless times before.

In many ways it was a routine operation. And yet, that morning, roughly 80 local militiamen stood blocking their path.

Paul Revere had ridden through Lexington only hours before to warn residents of the approaching threat.

There was a lot of yelling and tension between the two sides, and amid all the confusion, someone fired his musket. Then another. Then another.

And though few people realized it at the time, those turned out to be the opening shots of the American Revolution.

This is how revolutions often start– people who have reached their breaking points engage in a small acts of defiance that quickly escalate out of control.

We’ve seen this pattern over and over again.


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8 years ago

I pray someone does just that -- and SOON! My finger’s gettin’ awful itchy…

8 years ago

This is an outstanding article I whole heartily agree with and I’m going to forward it to every family member and friend on my personal e-mail list.

I have been sending them what I call Paul Revere e-mails shouting: “The credit -- debt -- derivative -- fiat currency collapse is coming! To arms to arms -- get some cash out of the bank! Buy some physical Gold & Silver!!!

PREP and arm yourself like your life could depend on it…because it may!

Here is a great place to buy some real money with the toilet paper the FED is wiping their butts with -- no records kept, I vouch for them after almost a decade of business:

I use David…great guy!

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

There is no doubt the central Banksters will continue to steal via artificially low or negative interest rates and the debauchment of fiat currencies until we reach a point of crisis where their plan to enslave….er I mean save us all will be unveiled.

Barring some divine intervention and or the reemergence of a nation will, which in or current diverse state is highly unlikely, we need to look at options for the survival of ourselves and our posterity.