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Today is another day with the futures markets in the red. We will see what happens today and tomorrow as it may very well mark the beginning of the crash that Aaron Brickman spoke of in several of his interviews. Here is another perspective of it.
STOCK MARKET CORRUPT-Please tell me, when has it NOT been???
You are right, it’s a rigged system only for the very uber wealthy with the billions of dollars which they steal from the little investor when they want to. The system is propped up by the fake and phony non-governmental body called the federal reserve which are made up of mainly very wealthy Jewish bankers and some non-Jew bankers, but mainly jew bankers. the feds pump money into the system to make it look it’s making money, it’s all perception and deception. then stupid little investor believes it’s a legit system and begin investing all of their hard dollars into the marker only to lose it once again. this is Moneyball and the only people who get hurt are the small guys. These demons are o corrupt it boggles the mind.
One more point, along with all these wealthy people sucking cash from the system, our fake and phony lying leaders out of that hell hole in DC are behind doors passing laws so they could make money as well using laws the pass to make their millions of dollars as well, they are leeches sucking from the taxpayer for their own avarice as well. these types are worse than the uber rich and they need to be hanged for their crimes.
Of course it is corrupt. It has been a casino and other things for many years now. However, it is still a harbinger of what is coming and what is to come. It is still leverage over the 99%. It is also tied into many millions of Americans 401k’s, pensions, and retirement income. So, it is something to keep an eye on.
Lots of tells swirling that the markets are on the brink. We have long worked to keep our accounts clear of cash-just enough in the bank to pay bills-and always work short term and long term plans to convert fiat currency to usable assets. We always pay cash, and stopped using “membership” cards and loyalty cards whenever we purchase storable, products to minimize our “prepper” footprint. Having beans in the cupboard will be better than a bank full of dollars when the collapse is completed.
Unless you have been totally off the grid / system for most of your life, you are still on a list(s) with the alphabet agencies. But, those are good moves and it may help to keep you at the bottom of those digital lists.
I noticed that the backlog of ships on the west coast has disappeared. Today, the Conservative Treehouse posted that transpacific shipping has dropped 75% during this, the peak season. Winter is coming.
I forgot to mention, the price of oil and gasoline is going up quickly. OPEC just cut 2 million barrels per day from production. Biden has to start to refill the strategic petroleum reserve soon. The Chinese have cancelled all lock downs, so their demand will be going up a lot. And in December, the idiots in the EU are imposing a cap on oil prices from Russia, which will cause Russia not to sell to them. They will have to get oil from us or another source, driving up worldwide prices. Sort of a perfect storm there. Inflation is going to make our eyes pop out.