Musings about the election.
- Whoever wins the election, the country is lost. Communism will take over the country and the Utopian dreams that are promised will be exposed as history shows.
- John Roberts will not be able to screw the country again. The Democrat plan to steal the election in the courts was countered by Trump and the Senate.
- Civil unrest will continue until the election is called. NC and PA will be the subject of voter fraud as outlined by General McInerney.
- Third world countries have more efficient elections than us.
- Half the country will not accept the winner of the election.
- I have a question of the half of the country who voted for Biden: why did you vote for a criminal who has dementia?
- If Biden does win, will the military and intelligence agencies accept a compromised commander in chief? Or will they use this as a means to blackmail him?
- It will be interesting to see the impact on COVID-19 since it will no longer be a campaign issue.
- Fox News has been exposed. I wonder how long Tucker and Hannity will stay?
- There is no way to vote ourselves out of this. The war will be world wide and bloody. Let us pray that good wins and that we will not be entering into a period of bondage.
David DeGerolamo
What do you mean “Fox news has been exposed?”
Watching them cackle with delight as Trump was robbed of votes is just a small part of what he meant.
I was in DC on 9/12/2009 for the “Taxpayer Protest”. Essentially, the Woodstock of Conservatism, the world’s largest Tea Party.
DC Park Police (who were officially in-charge of crowd counting at various events) were announcing to attendees that “this is the biggest ever, bigger than o Blo-me’s inauguration, bigger that the (half) Million Man March, they estimated us to be 600 to 750 thousand strong. We closed-down the interstates Saturday morning with the traffic surge.
Anyway, Fox had a small news trailer with extended-boom telecaster dish right smack in the middle of the crowd. No other newscasters had the balls to be in our midst, they were on the periphery of the mass.
I set my DVR to record the various news organization Saturday night (I live near Houston) and watched the “coverage”. Most had a short video clip of the march down Pennsylvania Ave. and a panned shot of the crowd, with a brief announcement of “a large crowd of people” type narrative.
Fox had no video and a blurb that amounted to “Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in DC today.” That was it. Up to 3/4 of a million got reduced to “tens of thousands”.
That’s when I realized we had zero legit media left.
Media and Public Education, our two biggest enemies to Liberty.
It was blatant last night and even some of the anchors were questioning why Florida (97% in) was called only after Arizona was called; with a tiny fraction of the votes in. Lou Dobbs on Fox B was having none of it. Neil Cavuto came down hard on Dobbs with the company line. I expect Dobbs’ days are numbered along with Hannity and Carlson. Fox is full faux now.
All mainstream media is corrupt, its all connected. Their may some media outlets that maybe lesser evil, I like the quote Jessie ventura made, he said you have pepsi and cola one is just a little sweeter than the other. Patton once said the politicians would divide us, looks like he had it right. Yes the democraps have a a lot of fraud on the table, this is why the mail in ballots should never been allowed for the general public except military over seas. The ballots use to be called absentee ballots. If you got guns get ready for them to be taken, and be put on lock down, and hydrocarbon fuel also known as fossil fuels will be wiped out. Welcome to the green new deal where everything is run on batteries lol.
Your freedoms people are going to get a lot thinner under this dementia man having mini strokes every time he get a little stressed. To top it all off you have the jezebel kamala, that will take over once pelosi fells confident to use the 25th when dust settles. All this has been planned and when the communist get done with BLM, Antifa as the useless idiots, these people will thrown under the bus for the N.W.O
Should be obvious. After the son took over it went left. And now, being owned by Disney, it’s just the ‘controlled opposition’.
They are like undercover deep state.
When Brian Kilmeade walked off the set because Alex Jones was the next guest I knew Fox was the shits. Then I read where 76% of their hosts were Democrats. Never watched any of their Shite since and that has to be 10 years now.
Funny, I have been wondering this for several weeks as I saw biden signs in front yards, then throughout last night, and now, today. Then I saw this on Quayle’s site: “I have a question of the half of the country who voted for Biden: why did you vote for a criminal who has dementia?” and go further- the whole platform and political side is like the Bandar-log and King Louie, they act and think, as the insane. I can only think they are MSM dupes, and have no respect for them, at all.
Fox News has been exposed? What information do you have to say that? You sound like a Democrat.
Months ago you announced that you weren’t voting for Donald Trump and I challenged you then.
really? you think FAUX news was ever pro constitution and pro liberty.. brainwashed sheep. Seriously? have you ever looked up who owns faux news? YOU BEEN PLAYED MORON.
You write and sound like a Democrat. Notice that there have been no specific facts cited by David DeGerolamo about any opinion about Fox News, and David DeGerolamo announced a year ago that he wouldn’t vote for Trump.
I have an open mind about the matter, but David should simply gimme some facts.
While I read Alex Jones’ site each day, he has been the driver concerning some weird conspiracy theories, and I take what he says with a grain of salt.
I will not participate in a government that is evil. There is no voting our way out of this as is now self-evident. Since I did not vote, you’re are trying to make a point that I did not vote for Trump.
As for facts concerning Fox News, we all have to look no further than the first debate with Chris Wallace. There are more examples including the video I posted with Tucker Carlson’s observations.
Let me be clear, putting your faith in voting in a Communist country will not secure your freedom. But if it makes you feel better, keep on voting and attacking people who you think are not on your side.
Don’t forget Megan Kelly’s fiasco as the moderator for the debate back in 2016. She constantly tried to trip Trump up. No objectivity.
Everything about our political, financial, military and corporate system is built on fraud and tyranny. The sooner it dies, the sooner we can re-establish the vision of the founding fathers.
If Trump is cheated defeated, then the never trumpers will get what they deserve. Marxism. Evil.
Ephesians 3:9 and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. More importantly, we are at the time where this administration(time period)ends and the Daniel’s 70th week commences. Everything in the old testament and 4 gospels are addressed to the jews. The church letters(Romans -- Thessalonians) are written to you who are the church of the body of Christ. In a moment, in a twinkling of an eye we are gone. The Christ rejectors are left to suffer the consequences of rejecting the gift of salvation thru Christ. Book of Revelation. We do not suffer the judgement of God. We have been judged in Christ to be righteous! Much chaos will be the menu for the future no matter what.September 7-8th 2021 feast of trumpets will be the rapture which will be Daniel’s 70th week leading to the end of 6000 years in 2028. 2028end.com Look into it yourselves. 2028end.com. Stop fretting about all this. If Jesus Christ is your savior then what do you have to worry about? We will be gone. Jesus died in AD28, which began “the last days”. So the 6000 years is about up and that means the end is upon us. The USA is the last bastion of government based on christian morals and beliefs. If the USA goes down there is nothing left but wickedness and evil.
Michael Riddle
https://laodicearises.com/ — Check out the Final Time Line; it may interest you.
If Biden wins the covid deaths will end, the number of infected will seize and miracle Joe would have cured the nation of its ills!
Half the country DID NOT vote for Biden!!! It’s impossible that more than a very small percentage of actual living, legally registered people voted for Biden. The vast majority of votes came from and are still coming this morning, from illegals, dead people, criminals and many other voters who have never even existed outside of a Democrat computer database.
Based on the size of the rallies for dems and reps, I suggest that a very large percentage of dem “votes” are generated thru fraud. Indeed, reports about dem voter fraud has been pouring in for quite a while.
We need to re-vote under standard conditions across all states. One person, one vote — no pets, dead people, illegals or people that have moved.
Yes. A do over in person with an ID.
And dip your finger in ink that will last for a week so you can only vote once and we can shame the ‘upright’ citizens who didn’t vote.
Bolshevik Dawn. Are we finally getting a small taste of what we deserve from God? He ordains.
The way must first be paved for AntiChrist, so…
The election was sabotaged by the several states that were about to be called for Trump. This is evidence of collusion by the governments of these states and is an act of insurrection against the Union. Looks like an act worthy of prosecution by the Insurrection Act to me. I say invoke the act and send in the Marshalls to round up the perps. Get this election over with according to the existing laws on the books and let’s get on with keeping America great!
Hello, Mr. Tucker
I suppose there are instances where having a functional DOJ would be very advantageous. I suspect President Trump views most of his Federal support staff as though there is little-to-no integrity there. Certainly when it comes to the FBI.
Agree, with your assessment of D.O.J. Insurrection Act could also be enforced against these bad actors. If there are no honest men or women in the present government to enforce the laws on the books, we are left with only one option if we want to keep the Constitution, as written, as the Supreme Law of the Land. That option would be the formation and use of Second Amendment Militias. We must make the recognition of this option foremost in our internet statements as a message to the watchers that we are the coiled Viper on the Decatur Flag!
Civil war is on the horizon!
Lo que seguirá posteriormente será la Balcanización de los Estados Unidos.
Per line item #7 on the OP -- If anybody wants to blackmail BiteMe they’re gonna have to get in line.
There’s gotta be a reason China went to the trouble of providing cocaine and barely pubescent concubines to Hunter so they could record his antics…..
Maxine Waters in Los Angeles won with over 70% What the firetruck happened there? Are those people that stupid? YES they are!
It is all across the nation, the dumbification of Americans began back in the late 1950’s and had has totally succeeded. They are where they wanted to be.
Read only the first chapter of the book The Marketing of Evil, it’s like a play-by-play leading up to this moment. (the rest of the book is great as well)
People who vote Democrat and claim to be Christian are to blame, they’re not Christian.
Christian’s do not endorse the murder of babies and the perversions of the gay rights agenda.
These are people who hate Christianity, so why support them? Unless you’ve been brainwashed into an idiot.
Christians are unwilling to consider that a Biden win is part of God’s plans. Does not scripture say the Lord will first expose the sins of his people first, then the sins of its leaders before sending judgment? God gave this nation, against all odds, Trump for a four year repreive, so this nation would humble itself, repent, and seek Him -- not men for answers. Now that this time was wasted, the judgments begin in earnest! America is lost, but it is not too late to seek Jesus! Be warned, many of you claiming your a Christian, are not truly born again, baptized in the Spirit of Truth, and hav nor surrendered you lives to Jesus. Your salvation is at risk unless you repeat and truly seek Jesus!
Richard you are correct. Which ever way it goes will be because that is as the Lord wishes it so.He has put Trump in office for the last four years to give mankind one last chance to repent and come to Jesus and if he wins this time we will be getting a bigger window of oppotunity to repent but looking at how the World is today I think we’ve not much longer to go. God bless and take care.
I agree. It almost feels like a trial before the sentence comes down, where all the evidence of the crimes of our country are presented for all to see.
It’s like He’s showing us why judgement is upon us.
You mean Fux Sux “News” run by the Commie Cunt Son of Poopert Turdcock? Just like Drudge which was purchased by Google? Just like Fakebook Subsidiary of the CCP Chicom Snakeheads? You mean just like the “Plumbers” sent in to “Stop” the “Water Leak” that just happened to Almost “Threaten” Ballots in Shotlanta? You mean like at least 5 States ALL STOPPED counting Ballots at EXACTLY the SAME TIME? Just like they “Called” the Election for Obama in 2012 1 Second after the polls Closed? The WAR is Now OFFICIAL -- No More Pretending. BLOOD WILL RUN IN THE STREETS -- Preferably BLM, Antifa, Anarchists, Commies, Soyboys & Hategirlz -- May they ALL CHOKE ON THEIR BLOOD AS THEY DIE A VIOLENT & WELL DESERVED DEATH!
The Truth Burns,THIS whole thing is about to become VERY VIOLENT,and with the THOUSANDS of UNITED NATIONS MILITARY TROOPS THE US STATE DEPARTMENT has been bring in every month,IT ONLY MEANS one thing,TRUMP PLANS TO DECLARE MARTIAL LAW,and being the commie demonrat he is, YOU know he’ll tell them to take the guns,THAT will lead to a RED DAWN ATTACK BY ALL the countries who hate america..THEN IT WILL GET REALLY VIOLENT…stay close to the LORD,a lot of americans are about to meet him Face to Face….
Love and agree with the comment. We need to get over our gentle sensibilities and realize it is time to get busy. Dirty, rough exhausting and deadly busy. Because our enemies are interested in this very thing against us, We The People.
I lost all respect for FOX when Chris Wallace was revealed to be a DemonRat who was tasked with moderating the first debate. That was it for me ! I believe someone is pushing FOX in that direction who is not in the limelight but directs from the shadows.
I’ve been watching FOX move in that direction in the last year or so. When it almost fired Tucker Carlson and also called Judge Jeanine on the carpet for something she said, which was truth by the way.
FOX had better get back to its roots or we’ll stop watching it because it appears to have become just another main stream media piece of “S”it. If Tucker Carlson is let go, I will tune into wherever he goes, because he tells it like it is.
Laura Ingraham is also leaving to supposedly tend to her family and business interest I believe. She was truly one of the Big Three on FOX. Yes, there two or three others who could fill in for her, one being Raymond Arroyo, but Laura’s slot will be hard to fill because of her style which has endeared her to us !
Trump should’ve been pushing for election fraud investigations starting in the Midterms. Obviously stolen for the Dems. Never Trumpers part of the problem. Soros, Pelosi, Biden, et al for prison. K. Harris ineligible to run. Constitution has been trashed. Obama stole 2nd term. We’re now faced with
Resistance movement or lay down as slaves, no other options here. Election will not be settled until Jan.20, when Pelosi declares herself president. Lockdown starts in Illinois again today. All Dam states headed for bankruptcy. The Great Reset will confiscate ALL WEALTH and make us ALL SLAVES.
“6. I have a question of the half of the country who voted for Biden: why did you vote for a criminal who has dementia?”
Answer: Because “Orange Man Bad”
And that is the most intelligent answer you will ever receive from those brain damaged, low info garden vegetables.
Hello, Old Scribe
Don’t ignore the socialism angle. Makers vs. Takers.
Every libtard campaign commercial I inadvertently watched stated that “So and so Republican wants to take away your right to health care.” “Pre-existing conditions will no longer be covered if he/she gets elected!”
Why did I never see an ad from a conservative candidate stating the obvious, “The government has no obligation to provide health care insurance and you have no “right” to it, pre-existing or not!”
I suspect with a large part of our population spending most of the current year crushing their nuts while playing video games and with themselves, they’ve found their groove. “Just keep the free stuff coming!”
My 2 cents on the Faux News debate: It’s controlled opposition and totally worthless as a news source, try OAN or GAB.
why do you think they are voting for biden? they are not. but you know that, so why the headlines?
If we’ve learned one thing over the last 4 years, it’s that Trump is not interested in prosecuting any one of the corrupt top dogs.
There are so many unprosecuted major crimes right now that this regime can no longer lay claim to legitimacy. We allowed this by our inaction.
Goment Edycasion
“why did you vote for a criminal who has dementia”? Because the alternative was a criminal who is a narcissistic personality disordered sociopath. Because I feel that there are powers behind Biden that call the shots, making his dementia irrelevant and that those powers will probably do marginally less harm to the world than Trump will. There were 2 really bad choices.
Many years ago, David Wilkinson was shown by the Lord that America would be judged and turn into a third world country. We ‘re there.
I don’t know what you, Trump, and Americans are crying about? You talk like Moe Bitem is legit along with Kamalalalala Hairyass.
They are and were NEVER legitimate candidates. Only Trump was so any phony votes cast for them is not even legal.
Trump is YOUR PRESIDENT despite what your very small brains are telling you and Trump. GO TO BED, now.
Until you name the enemy you’ll always lose. In case you don’t know whom it is…its the jews. This is a rhyme, but its too late, you goyim are out of time.
But aren’t the Zionists separate from the population of normal Jews?
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